When Does PMDD Start: Tracing the Timeline
Premenstrual discomfort is common for almost all women, but sometimes, it becomes so severe that it interferes with daily life.
That is what PMDD or Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder is.
It is a severe form of PMS which affects 10 percent of the women in their childbearing years.
As it has no proper diagnosis, it keeps women guessing if they have PMDD or if the discomfort indicates some other problem.
Is there any breakthrough about progression of PMDD to help determine if it is actually the problem?
When does PMDD start and what are its indications?
Read this article to find the answers to these questions and enlighten yourself on this severe female health challenge.
When does PMDD start and end
PMDD starts in the luteal phase or the second half of the menstrual cycle.
So, the symptoms of PMDD are typically observed one or two weeks before the period starts.
These symptoms continue for a few days before getting mild and completely disappearing later.
Most people misinterpret Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS) as PMDD.
However, PMDD is a severe form of PMS. Where the symptoms of PMS mainly appear about four days before periods, PMDD symptoms begin a lot earlier.
They are also more extreme, especially moodiness, irritability, anger, or depression, alongside other PMS symptoms.
So, it is possible to manage PMS symptoms without treatment as they do not affect daily life, but treatment is required for PMDD.
To know more about the difference between the two conditions, read PMS vs PMDD.
Age for the onset of PMDD
Generally, all women of the childbearing age are prone to PMDD.
However, the main age of onset of PMDD is early or mid-twenties.
One of the studies from 2021 stated that 15.4 percent of the women with a mean age of 26 years met the criteria for all premenstrual disorders.
On the other hand, during pregnancy and after Menopause, PMDD usually resolves.
Read PMDD and pregnancy to learn more about their relationship and impact.
How do you know it is PMDD
So far, there is no test to detect PMDD.
However, there are diagnostic criteria that suggest at least 5 symptoms should be present in the week of menstruation.
These should persist for a few days after you get periods and slowly go away post-menses.
Before confirmation, symptoms are observed for two symptomatic cycles.
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They include:
- Mood swings
- Irritability or anger
- Depression or hopelessness
- A sense of being overwhelmed or out of control
- Decreased interest in usual activities
- Difficulty in concentration
- Lack of energy or fatigue
- Change in appetite
- Hypersomnia or insomnia
- Physical symptoms like breast tenderness, bloating, or weight gain
PMDD is a severe form of PMS that starts in the second half of the menstrual cycle.
It causes more severe symptoms than PMS, which mainly includes mood changes and emotional distress, along with physical symptoms like fatigue.
Mainly, it progresses around the early or mid-twenties, but all women of reproductive age can have PMDD.
PMS can be managed without treatment, but PMDD symptoms are severe and require treatment.
So, to confirm, symptoms are watched over for two symptomatic cycles.
If 5 or more symptoms such as irritability, anger, appetite changes, insomnia, and fatigue are observed, then it is a sign of PMDD.
For the right diagnosis and care, you must contact a doctor to manage PMDD symptoms.
With awareness and open communication about any menstrual discomfort you experience, the neglect towards female health can be combated, and quality of life can be improved.
Frequently Asked Questions
When does PMDD start in a cycle?
PMDD starts in the second half of the cycle, which is also called the luteal phase. It occurs after ovulation. This means that symptoms start appearing one to two weeks before periods and continue a few days after before disappearing.
Can PMDD start suddenly?
The symptoms of PMDD do not appear two to four days before periods like PMS. Instead, they are severe signs that develop over a period of one to two weeks before periods and continue for a few days. It significantly impacts the quality of life by causing physical and emotional distress.
Is there any specific age for the onset of PMDD?
Women of reproductive age are all prone to PMDD. However, the onset of PMDD starts typically in the early or mid-twenties. One of the studies from 2021 also found the mean age to be twenty-six.
Can someone experience PMDD 2 weeks before periods?
Yes, there is a possibility as rughly, the symptoms of PMDD can appear anywhere from one to two weeks before periods and last for a few days. These mostly include anger, depression, anxiety, and physical symptoms like fatigue or bloating.
How does PMDD start?
The exact cause of how PMDD starts is unknown. However, it is explained as sensitivity to changes in reproductive hormone levels during the menstrual cycle. Due to the low level of ovarian hormone Progesterone in the luteal phase, symptoms of PMDD such as anxiety, anger, and pain can be observed.
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