A Closer Look: Open vs Closed Angle Glaucoma 

Maanvi Kashyap
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open vs closed angle glaucoma

Glaucoma is a broad term encompassing a group of eye conditions, each posing a unique threat to vision. 

Among the various types of Glaucoma , two significant ones are Open-Angle Glaucoma (OAG) and Closed-Angle Glaucoma (CAG).

While both are types of Glaucoma , they have unique features like the rate of progression and require separate approaches for diagnosis and treatment.

This article will explore Open vs Closed-angle Glaucoma , highlighting their differences and similarities.

Open vs Closed-Angle Glaucoma overview

A comprehensive overview of Open-Angle Glaucoma  vs Closed-Angle Glaucoma  includes:

AspectOpen-Angle Glaucoma (OAG)Closed-Angle Glaucoma (CAG)
Onset and progressionSlow, often symptomlessSudden and severe
SymptomsUsually no early warning signsEye pain, headaches, nausea, vomiting
Drainage angle conditionGradual resistance to fluid drainageSudden blockage of drainage paths
TreatmentManageable but no cure (prescription eye drops, laser trabeculoplasty, surgery)Medical emergency; swift treatment required (medications, laser iridotomy, surgery)
Risk factorsAge, ethnicity, family history, Diabetes, high/low blood pressureAnatomical eye characteristics
Long term outlookManageable with treatment and regular check-upsPrompt treatment can prevent blindness, but delayed treatment may result in lasting vision issues

What are Open-Angle Glaucoma vs Closed-Angle Glaucoma

Open-Angle Glaucoma , the most prevalent form in the United States, is characterized by an open but dysfunctional eye drainage angle. 

This gradual malfunction results in elevated eye pressure and, if left untreated, potential vision loss. 

In contrast, Closed-Angle Glaucoma  entails a sudden blockage of the drainage angle. 

This results in rapid increases in eye pressure, necessitating immediate medical intervention to prevent vision loss due to Glaucoma.

Difference between Open-Angle and Closed-Angle Glaucoma

Open-Angle Glaucoma  (OAG) and Closed-Angle Glaucoma  (CAG) are two distinct types of Glaucoma  with significant differences. 

Some of the differences include:

Onset and progression of Open-Angle vs Closed-Angle Glaucoma

Open-Angle Glaucoma  progresses slowly and is often symptomless in its early stages. 

Progression is gradual, and vision loss may occur without the patient’s awareness.

Closed-Angle Glaucoma , in contrast, strikes suddenly and severely. 

Its onset is marked by acute symptoms such as eye pain, headaches, and rapid vision loss.

The drainage angle is like the space between the colored part of your eye (the iris) and the clear front part (the cornea). It goes around the front of your eye like a circle.

Drainage angle of Open vs Closed-Angle Glaucoma

The key difference between Open-Angle and Closed-Angle Glaucoma  lies in the condition of the drainage angle. 

In Open-Angle Glaucoma , there is more resistance to fluid drainage, leading to increased or high eye pressure. 

In Closed-Angle Glaucoma , both drainage paths, including the trabecular meshwork and uveoscleral drain (drainage pathways), get blocked, often because the iris is damaged and obstructs the flow.

Symptoms of Open-Angle vs Closed-Angle Glaucoma

Eye painSource: Prostock-Studio_From_Getty_Images
Eye pain (closed-angle Glaucoma symptom)

Open-Angle Glaucoma  often lacks early warning symptoms, making regular eye exams crucial for detection.

Closed-Angle Glaucoma  presents with severe symptoms such as eye pain, headaches, nausea, and vomiting, demanding immediate medical attention.

Also read: To know more about Glaucoma symptoms, we recommend you to read our informative article on Understanding Glaucoma: Symptoms, Causes, and Treatments


The treatment for Open-Angle and Closed-Angle Glaucoma  can be different. 

While there’s no cure for Open-Angle Glaucoma , early diagnosis and treatment can help manage it and prevent vision damage. 

Treatment for Open-Angle Glaucoma  can involve prescription eye drops, laser trabeculoplasty, or surgery to reduce intraocular pressure.

On the other hand, Closed-Angle Glaucoma  is a medical emergency that needs immediate treatment to lower eye pressure. 

Treatment may include using medications to reduce eye pressure, having laser iridotomy (which creates a small hole in the iris to let fluid flow), or having surgery.

Also read: To understand what are the potential treatment options available for Glaucoma, read this useful article on Understanding the Glaucoma Treatment Options

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  • Risk factors

    high blood sugar levels can damage the retinal blood vesselsSource: Proxima_Studio
    High blood pressure

    Open-Angle Glaucoma  risk factors include age, ethnicity, family history, diabetes, and high or low blood pressure.

    Closed-Angle Glaucoma  is often associated with anatomical eye characteristics predisposing individuals to angle closure.

    Long-term outlook

    Open-Angle Glaucoma  can be managed to slow down its progression and protect vision with the right treatment and regular check-ups.

    On the other hand, quick action can prevent blindness in Closed-Angle Glaucoma , although delayed treatment may still result in lasting vision issues.

    Also read: To reduce the risk of Glaucoma, it’s crucial to get tested for the condition early. Read The Comprehensive Guide to the Glaucoma Test to learn more.

    Always prioritize regular eye check-ups to catch Glaucoma early. Glaucoma can harm your vision, so early detection and treatment are essential to protect your eyesight.


    Open-Angle Glaucoma  (OAG) and Closed-Angle Glaucoma  (CAG) are different eye conditions. 

    OAG creeps in slowly, often without noticeable symptoms initially, leading to gradual vision loss. 

    In contrast, CAG hits suddenly with intense symptoms like eye pain and quick vision decline, demanding immediate attention. 

    The key difference lies in the drainage angle: OAG has slow drainage, while CAG blocks both paths, causing rapid pressure buildup. 

    Treatment varies: OAG can’t be cured but can be managed with eye drops or surgery, while CAG is an emergency, treated with meds, laser, or surgery. 

    Regular eye check-ups are vital for OAG, while prompt action is crucial for CAG.

    Frequently Asked Questions

    What is the difference between open-angle and Closed-Angle Glaucoma ?

    Open-Angle Glaucoma develops slowly and often without noticeable symptoms, affecting the eye’s drainage system. Closed-angle Glaucoma , in contrast, occurs suddenly with severe symptoms due to a blocked drainage angle, requiring immediate medical attention to relieve pressure in the eye. Both impact vision but differ in onset and symptoms.
    severe symptoms, and requires immediate medical attention.

    Which is more common, Open or Closed-Angle Glaucoma ?

    Open-Angle Glaucoma is more prevalent than Closed-Angle Glaucoma . It accounts for up to 95% of Glaucoma cases in the United States. Closed-angle Glaucoma is less common, has more

    Which is more serious, Open or Closed-Angle Glaucoma ?

    Closed-angle Glaucoma is more serious than open-angle Glaucoma . It can cause sudden, severe symptoms and lead to blindness within hours if not treated promptly. Open-Angle Glaucoma progresses slowly and may not show early signs but can still cause vision loss if untreated.

    Which type of Glaucoma causes rapid loss of vision?

    Closed-angle Glaucoma causes a rapid loss of vision. It happens suddenly when the drainage angle in the eye gets blocked, leading to a quick increase in eye pressure. This can result in severe vision loss within hours if not treated promptly.

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