A woman tends to have irregular periods if her menstrual cycle length is less than 21 days and extended to more than 35 days, accompanied by heavy or light bleeding.

It often results from infrequent or absent ovulation, causing irregularity in menstruation.

Ovulation is a natural process in women that exhibits the release of an egg every month from one of the ovaries after hormonal changes.

A 2020 study in the Journal of Medical Internet Research shows that around 16.32% of women have a 28-day median cycle length.

However, in some women with irregular periods, the overall menstrual cycle is disrupted, and women cannot differentiate their most fertile days from normal days.

Thus, it is necessary to get an understanding of ovulation with irregular periods to elevate the chances of successful conceiving.

Does irregular periods affect ovulation

The straightforward answer to this question is yes. 

Irregular periods can affect ovulation, making it tough to predict the exact timing of ovulation and fertile days to conceive.

But did we make it a little tougher to understand? Let’s understand the complete cycle with an example of four beads in a string.

How irregular periods affect ovulation

Woman tracking her ovulation cycle

Assume string to be a complete menstrual cycle and beads to be the four phases of the cycle, i.e., menstruation, follicular, ovulation, and luteal phases.

In normal conditions, when a woman has a 28-day menstrual cycle, an equal length of string, ovulation happens on the fourteenth day at the right time.

Also, ovulation happens fourteen days before the bleeding phase of the menstrual cycle.

However, in irregular periods, the string can have unequal length, making it complicated for a woman to predict the precise timing of ovulation.

In this case, a woman can neither differentiate the most fertile days nor predict if she is pregnant, as she does not know when to expect a period.

Ovulation symptoms for irregular periods

The major signs and symptoms of ovulation are as follows:

  • Changes in basal body temperature
  • Light spotting or discharge
  • Changes in mucus
  • Cervical firmness changes
  • Abdominal cramps
  • Increased sex drive
  • Breast tenderness
  • Heightened sense of smell, taste, and sight
  • Changes in appetite
  • Abdominal bloating
  • Breast pain and headaches
The pain during ovulation may get intense due to Endometriosis in some women. Consult a healthcare practitioner to check the underlying causes.

A woman can observe the symptoms mentioned above of ovulation and predict the right time to conceive.

What causes irregular periods

Anemia written on a blackboard

There are numerous underlying causes of irregular periods, such as hormonal changes.

Some medical conditions can also elevate the risk of irregular periods, such as:

  • Metabolic Syndrome,
  • Coronary Heart Disease
  • Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus
  • Rheumatoid Arthritis
  • Anemia
  • Osteoporosis
  • Psychological problems
  • Infertility
Sometimes, two eggs are released simultaneously during ovulation, also called hyperovulation. It results in dizygotic twins after fertilization.

When to test for ovulation with irregular periods

As it is difficult to predict the precise date for ovulation to occur in women with irregular periods, women have to do regular testing to detect ovulation.

Women can use an ovulation test kit to check their hormonal levels throughout the menstrual cycle.

They have to take multiple ovulation tests to determine whether they are ovulating.

The ovulation test kit can be used at home, or a woman can consult a healthcare practitioner for help.

How to induce ovulation with irregular periods

There are certain strategies to induce ovulation in women with irregular periods:


Some hormonal medications are prescribed to women with ovulation-related problems, such as:

  • Clomiphene Citrate
  • Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH)
  • Human Chorionic Gonadotropin
  • Human Menopausal Gonadotropin
  • Leuprolide and Synthetic Gonadotropin Inhibitors

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Ovulation stimulating food

Pineapple on a yellow background

Some foods are enriched with nutrients essential to elevate the chances of ovulation.

The food that helps women ovulate are as follows:

  • Yam
  • Whole grain
  • Legumes
  • Dairy products
  • Pineapple
  • Seafood with rich Omega-3 fatty acids

Factors that impact ovulation

The following factors that can impact the release of eggs include:

  • Age: Women are born with a finite number of eggs. It is clear that age does play a crucial role in ovulation
  • Weight: Some lifestyle factors, such as being overweight or underweight, can also affect a woman’s ovulation
  • Smoking: Smoking can negatively affect a woman’s fertility and decrease the chances of getting pregnant. Smoking can harm the DNA in eggs and harm eggs
  • Alcohol consumption: Heavy and long-term alcohol consumption can negatively affect ovulation and ovarian reserve
  • Cancer treatments: Chemotherapy and radiation can impact the growing follicles within the ovaries and thus release an egg
  • PCOS: Hormonal imbalance in women with PCOS can interfere with the growth of the follicles and ovulation

How to calculate ovulation with irregular periods

The ovulation calculator is an effective approach to predict ovulation in women with irregular periods in the following ways:

  • Mark the date: Whenever a woman gets on her period, she should mark the date and observe the pattern to find some clues about menstrual cycle length
  • Basal body temperature: As a slight rise in basal body temperature is one of the symptoms of ovulation, a woman can check her temperature to predict ovulation
  • Cervical mucus: Changes in cervical mucus also say a lot about the most fertile period of the cycle. The cervical mucus during fertile days is elastic, stretchy, smooth, and slippery 
  • Ovulation predictor kits: Women can use an ovulation home test to determine the most appropriate time for pregnancy likelihood


Ovulation with irregular periods can disrupt the complete menstrual cycle and make it harder for a woman to predict the timing of ovulation and fertile days to conceive.

In a 28-day menstrual cycle, ovulation occurs on the fourteenth day. However, with ovulation with irregular periods, a woman cannot even predict if she is pregnant.

The symptoms of ovulation with irregular periods are a change in basal temperature, mucus, abdominal cramps, and cervical firmness.

There can be various medical conditions causing irregular periods, such as Metabolic Syndrome, Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus, and heart problems.

Women with irregular periods and ovulation-related problems should consult a healthcare practitioner. They can also take ovulation test kits to check ovulation.

Fortunately, certain hormonal medications and food can induce ovulation.

The factors that impact ovulation are age, weight, alcohol consumption, PCOS, and cancer treatments. Women with these factors must seek medical consultancy.

Frequently Asked Questions

I have irregular periods. How do I know my fertile days?

You can use ovulation test kits at home after some days of monthly periods. The test has to be done multiple times, as you need a precise day to check ovulation. Further, you can check your rise in temperature and cervical mucus changes to predict the fertile days.

When do I ovulate if my periods are irregular?

You may ovulate some days after the monthly periods are over. Finding the exact date of ovulation takes a lot of work. You can take some measures, such as marking the date of the period to check a pattern or check the temperature and cervical mucus changes to predict ovulation.

How can I induce ovulation with irregular periods?

You can induce ovulation with irregular periods with the help of certain hormonal medications, such as FSH, Clomiphene Citrate, and Human Chrionic Gonadotropin. Further, eat a healthy diet rich in Omega-3 fatty acids to induce ovulation.

Can you get pregnant with irregular periods?

Yes, you can get pregnant with irregular periods. You can consult a healthcare practitioner and seek medical help to prescribe you certain medications to induce ovulation.

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