According to the National Health Service (NHS), 1 in 7 couples around the world face problems getting pregnant.

Ovulation is the moment when a woman’s egg is released, ready for fertilization, and is the key to conception.  

Knowing this window of how long an egg lives after ovulation is crucial, and ovulation tests are an invaluable tool in predicting people’s fertile days with precision.

Ovulation tests, or Ovulation Predictor Kits (OPKs), help women identify when they are most fertile and likely to conceive.

It is also crucial to know how long ovulation lasts.

Therefore, these can guide and assist couples, especially those struggling with pregnancy, in their journey toward parenthood.

This article, a comprehensive guide on ovulation tests, aims to inform how they work, when to use them, and how to use these tools correctly to increase the chances of conception.

Types of ovulation kit

Ovulation trackers or tests detect the rise in Luteinizing Hormone (LH), which happens just before one ovulates. 

Users typically need to urinate on a stick to get a reading.

These ovulation tests can be in strips, digital ovulation predictor kits, or fertility monitors.

Ovulation test strips

These are the most common types of ovulation tests and measure certain hormone levels in urine. 

These strips are particularly useful for women who have irregular cycles. 

When used correctly, ovulation test strips are about 99% accurate in detecting a surge in Luteinizing Hormone (LH), almost always followed by ovulation.

Digital ovulation predictor kits

Woman tracking her ovulation cycle

They typically identify the two most fertile days by detecting LH surge.

Some digital ovulation tests can identify four or more fertile days by tracking both Estrogen and LH.

These kits use symbols or a smiley face to show that the user will ovulate soon. 

The test is easy to use, provides clear digital results, and is over 99% accurate at detecting the LH surge. 

Fertility monitors

Fertility monitors are another type of ovulation test that can identify up to six fertile days by accurately tracking a fertile window’s biochemical measurement.

They also store and compare fertility data for up to six cycles and have the additional benefit of providing reminders, calendars, and cycle comparisons.

17.5% of adults worldwide (1 in 6) experience infertility, highlighting the need for inexpensive, high-quality fertility care.

You can also track your ovulation symptoms to understand naturally which are your most fertile days.

How do ovulation tests work

As mentioned previously, ovulation tests work by identifying the rise in hormones, particularly Luteinizing Hormone (LH), that surge just before the release of an egg. 

This LH surge indicates that ovulation will likely occur within the next 24 to 36 hours. 

Therefore, when the test detects the LH surge, it indicates the most fertile time in a woman’s menstrual cycle. 

Fertility monitors predict ovulation using electrolyte levels in saliva, LH levels in urine, or basal body temperature. 

These devices can store ovulation data for multiple menstrual cycles.

To get an accurate result, it is important to follow the manufacturer’s instructions carefully and take the test around the same time. 

Couples planning to become pregnant should have sex within the three days following a positive test to boost the chances of an egg becoming fertilized once it’s released from the ovaries.

Benefits of ovulation tests

Ovulation tests are a valuable tool for women trying to become pregnant, as they help identify the most fertile days. 

Some benefits of using ovulation tests are listed below, although they may have already been mentioned earlier.

  • Accurate detection: Their high level of accuracy makes ovulation tests a reliable tool for women trying to conceive
  • Availability and convenience: People can purchase ovulation tests at drugstores and pharmacies and don’t require prescriptions. Each kit includes multiple test sticks or strips, which let one test multiple times
  • Increased chances of conception: Couples planning to become pregnant should have sex within three days (during the fertile window) following a positive test to boost the chances of an egg becoming fertilized once it’s released from the ovaries
  • Ease of use: Ovulation tests are easy to use and require no special training or equipment. They can be performed at home, and the results are available within minutes
  • Cost-effective: Ovulation tests are relatively inexpensive and are a cost-effective way to increase someone’s chances of getting pregnant.
Recommended Article
Apart from ovulation tests, understanding the signs of ovulation can help you identify your fertile window.
Learn about them by reading Ovulation Symptoms: A Monthly Reminder of Your Most Fertile Days.

How soon after ovulation can you test

ovulation tests
Ultrasound and ovulation tests

The best time to take ovulation test is early morning.

Some test manufacturers suggest testing with the second morning urine, typically between 10 am and noon.

This is because Luteinizing Hormone levels surge in the morning, and it takes a few hours for the hormone to appear in the urine. 

However, one can take an ovulation test at any time of the day.

It is recommended to avoid drinking too much fluid for at least four hours before testing to ensure that urine and LH levels are concentrated. 

The timing of ovulation tests also depends on the length of a menstrual cycle. 

If a person has a regular cycle, they can start testing four to five days before their expected ovulation date. 

If they have an irregular cycle, it is recommended that they start testing on day 10 of their cycle. 

It’s important to follow the manufacturer’s instructions carefully and track cycles for at least a few months to predict ovulation accurately.

Tips for using at-home ovulation test

When considering or using ovulation tests, keep in mind the following facts and tips:

  • Cost: Shop around to find the best deal, as fancier kits are not necessarily more accurate
  • Cervical mucus: Ovulation tests do not monitor the quality of cervical mucus, as it is not a requirement. So even if a person is ovulating and using the test strips correctly, if they are not producing ‘sperm-friendly’ cervical mucus, their partner’s sperm may not be able to reach their egg
  • Fertility medications: Some fertility medications can raise LH levels, rendering ovulation tests ineffective
  • Absorption: The strip should absorb enough urine, and the control line/reference window should be visible
  • Urine amount: Be careful not to dip the strip into too much urine, as this can affect the accuracy of the test
  • Charting: If an individual has very irregular cycles, it may be helpful to chart for at least 2-3 months before they start using ovulation strips
  • Expiration date: Ensure the tests are in date and have been stored correctly, as per the manufacturer’s directions
Do not solely rely on ovulation tests if you are a woman over 40. 
Those near Menopause have high LH levels, making it less likely for an ovulation predictor kit to give accurate results for this age group.

How to interpret ovulation test results

Most ovulation test strips have two lines

The first line is called the control line, which lets users know whether the test strip is working correctly. 

It doesn’t reflect the user’s ovulation status at all. 

The second line is called the test line, which is the actual indicator of the ovulation status.

  • Positive result: If the test line is as dark or darker than the control line, the LH levels in the body are higher than usual, and they are about to ovulate. Couples should have sex within the next 24-48 hours to increase the chances of conception
  • Negative result: If the test line is lighter in color than the control line, this means that LH levels are too low and they haven’t begun ovulating yet
  • Invalid result: If there is no line or only one line, the test is invalid, and one should retake the test


Ovulation tests are a valuable tool for women trying to conceive. 

Knowing when ovulation occurs is crucial to increase the chances of conception, and these tests offer a precise way to predict fertile days. 

Different types of ovulation tests, such as ovulation test strips, digital ovulation predictor kits, and fertility monitors, can accurately identify the most fertile days. 

They are highly accurate, convenient, and cost-effective. 

By detecting the rise in hormones, particularly Luteinizing Hormone (LH), ovulation tests can help boost the chances of conception. 

They have a 97-99% accuracy rate in detecting the LH surge. 

With these benefits, ovulation tests can guide and assist couples, especially those struggling with pregnancy, in their journey toward parenthood.

By identifying the most fertile days, ovulation tests can help increase the chances of conception.

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