Fertility awareness is crucial for family planning.

There is a six-day fertile window during a woman’s menstrual cycle, during which having sex increases the likelihood of conception.

Every month, many women of reproductive age experience a key fertility signal, ovulation discharge.

The fluid or gel-like discharge, or cervical mucus, is produced by the cervix and varies in consistency throughout the menstrual cycle due to changing hormone levels.

Understanding the different stages of discharge during ovulation can help predict ovulation, increase the chances of conception, or help monitor reproductive health.

This article explores ovulation discharge, its significance, and how to interpret it.

Ovulation discharge stages

Below are two tables on ovulation discharge to give a quick overview and understanding of facts about cervical mucus at a glance.

However, individual experiences may vary; these charts should be considered general guides. 

Everyone needs to pay attention to their body’s unique patterns.

Understanding ovulation discharge through stages

This comprehensive table shows the discharge pattern and its significance through the different stages of ovulation.

Pre-ovulationThick, white, and dryPreparing for fertility/not fertile
Approaching ovulationCreamy and wet, similar to lotionNot fertile/increasing fertility
OvulationClear, slippery, and stretchy, resembling raw egg whiteMost fertile/high chance of conception
Post-ovulationThicker, cloudier, or gluey, or dries up, becoming sticky or absentApproaching the end of the fertile window/not fertile
Early pregnancyStickier, white, or yellow; may increase in amount and become thickerPossible pregnancy

Note: Every person’s body is different, and the color and consistency of cervical mucus can vary. 

Tracking the cervical mucus over several cycles is recommended to identify patterns and changes in the body.

Understanding ovulation discharge through its colors

A discharge is one of the various ovulation symptoms.

The table below shows all the possible colors of cervical mucus and what each color suggests. 


Red (Bright/dark/rusty shade)

Menstrual bleeding (typically)/Possible implantation/early pregnancy sign
White/Light Yellow/CreamHealthy lubrication
Pink (Light/deep)Presence of blood. Spotting before periods or after ovulation, implantation/early pregnancy
ClearNearing ovulation/pregnancy

Note: The color representations are indicative and may not be exact for everyone. Observing one’s body’s patterns is crucial, as is consulting with a doctor for concerns about unusual discharge.

In addition to the above, any red discharge that is intermenstrual bleeding is likely due to a benign condition.

A cream or yellowish-white discharge, if it looks like cottage cheese and smells bad, is caused by a yeast infection.

A pink tint in discharge can be a result of a cervix tear or irritation and a clear one due to sexual arousal.

Additionally, a yellow-green (Dark yellow/Yellowish-green/Green) mucus indicates Infection, either bacterial or STI, especially when clumpy or foul-smelling.

A gray discharge hints at a health issue or infection, probably Bacterial Vaginosis (BV), a bacterial infection.

Tracking and monitoring changes in ovulation discharge is essential to increase the chances of getting pregnant during the most fertile days and maintaining menstrual health.

You should be able to identify between an ovulation discharge and a STD discharge.

Role in conception

Woman tracking her ovulation cycle

Cervical mucus, or ovulation discharge, is important because it helps predict ovulation and improves the odds of conception.

It varies throughout the menstrual cycle and can signal different phases of fertility. 

Ovulation can be predicted by monitoring cervical discharge, and having sexual intercourse accordingly during the fertile window can increase the likelihood of conception.

The quality of the mucus is a strong indicator of the chance of getting pregnant and the right time for sexual activity to achieve it.

Therefore, to increase the chances of conception, intercourse should take place on days with optimal mucus quality, as visible in vaginal discharge, regardless of the precise timing relative to ovulation.

How to check ovulation discharge

While checking ovulation discharge, one should observe the color, consistency, and amount of discharge throughout the menstrual cycle. 

A person should wash their hands, sit back on the toilet, or find a comfortable posture, and insert a clean finger into the vagina to collect cervical mucus. 

To see its consistency, they need to rub the mucus between their fingers and pull it apart. 

They should use an ovulation chart to keep track of what they find. 

Any unusual vaginal discharge should be reported to a doctor, as it could be a symptom of an infection.

Cervical fluid contains antibodies against harmful germs and viruses, making it an intelligent defense mechanism.

Tracking ovulation mucus

To track cervical mucus, one should follow these steps:

  • Observe the discharge: Check the color, consistency, and amount of discharge throughout the menstrual cycle. The different types of cervical mucus include dry, damp, thick, creamy, transparent, stretchy, and slippery
  • Record the findings: Use a calendar or an ovulation planner to chart the changes in cervical mucus. This will help identify patterns and predict ovulation
  • Check for peak-type mucus: The most fertile cervical mucus is clear, stretchy, and slippery, resembling raw egg whites. This type of mucus indicates the most fertile time of the cycle
  • Monitor changes: As ovulation approaches, cervical mucus becomes wet, watery, and creamy. Just before and during ovulation, discharge is slippery, wet, and stretchy, similar to raw egg whites
  • Consider other factors: Cervical mucus alone is not a reliable method to identify time for conception or contraception. If someone doesn’t wish to become pregnant, they should talk to their doctor about more effective contraception

Cervical mucus after ovulation

Cervical mucus after ovulation changes in consistency and amount. 

Here are the different stages of cervical mucus after ovulation:

  • Immediately after ovulation: Estrogen levels drop, and a person may have less discharge or even some completely dry days
  • A few days after ovulation: Hormonal shifts occur, and cervical mucus consistency may change in preparation for the second half of the cycle
  • During the second half of the cycle:Watery discharge may appear, which is not as clear and stretchy as it was during ovulation
  • After ovulation: Cervical mucus becomes thicker and tackier, similar to the consistency before ovulation. This makes it more difficult for sperm to travel through the cervix and into the uterus. 
Recommended Article
Learn to distinguish between normal ovulation discharge and abnormal discharge caused by an STD.
Read: Decoding STD Discharges: Recognizing Symptoms in Men and Women

What can cause changes to ovulation mucus discharge

Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS)
Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS)

Various factors, including hormonal shifts, certain medications, and health conditions, can cause changes to ovulation mucus discharge. 

Variations in the levels of hormones like Progesterone and Estrogen lead to variations in the quantity and consistency of cervical mucus during the menstrual cycle.

Here are some causes of unusual changes to ovulation mucus discharge:

  • Antihistamines: These medications can reduce cervical mucus production, making it more difficult to track ovulation discharge
  • Clomid: A treatment for ovulatory failure, Clomid can also impact cervical mucus production
  • Infections: Any unusual vaginal discharge, such as yellow, green, or gray mucus, itchiness or burning, odors, swelling, or redness, should be discussed with a doctor, as it could be a symptom of an infection
  • Birth control pills and hormonal Intrauterine Devices (IUDs): These methods of contraception thicken cervical mucus, making it more difficult for sperm to travel through the cervix and into the uterus
  • Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS): This medical condition can affect ovulation, fertility, or menstrual cycle, and the production of cervical mucus, making it more difficult to predict ovulation 
  • Underweight: Being underweight can cause the body not to ovulate, which can affect the production of cervical mucus
Do not leave PCOS untreated if it’s the reason behind your abnormal discharge during ovulation. You can be at risk of diseases like Diabetes, High Blood Pressure, and Endometrial Cancer.

When to see your doctor

An individual should see a doctor if they experience the following concerning changes in vaginal discharge:

  • Greenish, yellowish, thick, or cheesy discharge
  • Strong vaginal odor
  • Unusual smell, color, or texture of discharge
  • Increased discharge, itching, or soreness
  • Bleeding between periods or after sex
  • Pain or discomfort
  • Discharge that is frothy or like cottage cheese

If someone notices these symptoms, seeking medical care for further evaluation and appropriate management is important.


Understanding ovulation discharge is essential for family planning. 

It is a natural fertility signal that varies throughout the menstrual cycle and can signal different phases of fertility. 

The color and consistency of cervical mucus keep changing throughout the menstrual cycle due to hormonal fluctuations.

During ovulation or peak fertile period, the discharge becomes clear, stretchy, and slippery like a raw egg white.

Other factors, like medications, such as antihistamines, and health conditions, such as PCOS, can affect ovulation discharge, too.

Any unusual vaginal discharge, like green color, clumpy appearance, or strong odor, should be reported to a doctor, as it could be a symptom of an infection, like an STI. 

Understanding the different stages of cervical mucus during ovulation can predict ovulation, increase the chances of conception, or help monitor reproductive health.

Frequently Asked Questions

Does ovulation discharge have a smell?

No, it does not typically have a strong or foul smell. However, during ovulation, the vagina may produce a stronger odor due to hormonal changes and the body’s efforts to attract potential mates.

What causes ovulation mucus twice in a menstrual cycle?

Ovulating twice in a menstrual cycle, also known as multiple ovulation, can be influenced by hormonal changes. Additionally, lifestyle factors, genetic predisposition, medical conditions such as PCOS, and fertility treatments can also contribute to the possibility of multiple ovulations.

Can I get pregnant without cervical mucus?

Yes, it is possible to conceive with little or no cervical mucus, but it can be challenging. Cervical mucus provides an ideal environment for sperm to travel from the vagina to the uterus. If there is a lack of cervical mucus, it may indicate an issue that should be explored.

What does your discharge look like when ovulating?

During ovulation, cervical mucus becomes clear, stretchy, and slippery, resembling raw egg whites. This consistency allows sperm to swim up and easily meet an egg during ovulation. The egg-white discharge lasts about four days.

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