Fibroids are benign uterine growths that can significantly impact a woman’s menstrual cycle, often leading to irregular periods. 

These irregularities can manifest in various ways, including heavy bleeding, prolonged periods, irregular cycles, and painful menstruation. 

Recognizing the signs and understanding the relationship between Fibroids and menstrual irregularities is crucial for
seeking appropriate treatment and finding relief. 

This article explores the connection between irregular periods and Fibroids, exploring symptoms and potential solutions.

Can Fibroids cause irregular periods

Fibroids can indeed cause irregular periods. Fibroids are non-cancerous growths, and they develop in or around the uterus. 

Depending on their location and size, Fibroids can disturb the normal functioning of the uterus, leading to various symptoms, including irregular menstrual bleeding.

Fibroids can cause heavy bleeding, longer or shorter cycles, spotting between periods, and painful periods. 

Symptoms of irregular periods caused by Fibroids

Fibroids can disrupt menstrual cycles, leading to irregular periods characterized by flow, duration, and frequency changes.

Fibroids are a common growth reported in approximately 40% to 80% of women between the ages of 30 and 50.

Spotting between periods

Periods occur more than 35 days apart
Menstrual pads on calendar

Fibroids size and location within the uterus play a significant role in experiencing abnormal bleeding. 

Hormones, particularly Estrogen, Progesterone, and Prostaglandins, contribute to the growth of Fibroids and abnormal bleeding.

Heavy bleeding and prolonged periods

Uterine Fibroids can disrupt the normal lining of the uterus, resulting in heavier and longer menstrual bleeding, a condition known as Menorrhagia.

Menorrhagia is characterized by bleeding lasting more than seven days or requiring frequent pad or tampon changes due to excessive flow.

Heavy menstrual bleeding can lead to Anemia. It can cause fatigue, weakness, and difficulty concentrating. So, it is important for individuals experiencing heavy menstrual bleeding to seek medical attention and discuss treatment options. 

Painful menstruation

Fibroids can induce Dysmenorrhea, or menstrual cramps, due to pressure exerted on surrounding organs and tissues.

Women may experience discomfort and pelvic pain throughout their menstrual cycle, irrespective of bleeding.

Seeking relief and treatment options

Woman holding birth control pills
Woman holding birth control pills

Not all women with Fibroids will experience severe symptoms, and the severity can vary. 

However, if experiencing any of the symptoms above, following treatment methods can help with irregular periods.

Recommended Article
Some foods can manage menstrual problems in Fibroids. Read 7 Foods For Shrinking Fibroids Effectively.  
  • Over-the-counter (OTC) pain medications: Acetaminophen and Ibuprofen can help manage menstrual pain
  • Birth control: Various forms of birth control for irregular periods have proven to be efficient. These include oral contraceptive pills, rings, injections, and IUDs. They alleviate symptoms of Fibroids, including heavy bleeding during and between periods
  • Gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) agonists: These medications work to shrink Fibroids, which can help regulate menstrual cycles and reduce irregular bleeding
  • Oral therapies: Elagolix and Tranexamic acid oral therapy treat heavy menstrual bleeding in people with uterine Fibroids
  • Lifestyle management: Making lifestyle changes like maintaining a healthy weight, doing regular exercise, and following a balanced diet of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains can help manage irregular periods


The relationship between irregular periods and uterine Fibroids is significant, with Fibroids often being a leading cause of menstrual irregularities in many women. 

The symptoms associated with Fibroids are heavy bleeding, prolonged periods, spotting between periods, and painful menstruation.

While not all women with Fibroids will experience severe symptoms, seeking relief through various treatment options can significantly improve their quality of life.

The treatments include over-the-counter pain medications, birth control methods, GnRH agonists, oral therapies, and lifestyle management.

It is essential for women experiencing any of these symptoms to consult with a healthcare provider for personalized treatment recommendations and support.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can Fibroids cause irregular periods?

Yes, Fibroids can indeed cause irregular periods. They can disrupt the functioning of the uterus, including the menstrual cycle. Fibroids can cause heavier or longer periods, spotting between periods, and irregular menstrual cycles.

Do Fibroids get bigger during periods?

Fibroids may swell and become more noticeable during a menstrual period. This is because hormonal changes in the menstrual cycle, particularly increased Estrogen levels, can cause Fibroids to grow temporarily. However, the growth is usually not significant and typically resolves after the menstrual period ends.

Do periods stop with Fibroids?

Some women with Fibroids may have heavy bleeding, irregular periods, or spotting between periods. Women may not have a period for a month or a heavy period in the next cycle. But, rarely, they cause the menstrual cycle to be completely stopped. 

How do GnRH agonists regulate menstrual cycles?

GnRH agonists temporarily suppress Estrogen and Progesterone production, shrinking Fibroids and regulating menstrual cycles. They work by initially stimulating gonadotropin release, decreasing hormone levels, leading to fibroid shrinkage and symptom relief. However, they are usually used in the short term due to potential side effects.

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