The Anxious Connection: Can Stress Cause ED
Erectile Dysfunction (ED) is the incapacity of the penile tissue in men to maintain proper erection for sufficient time.
There are many different causes of ED, which include lifestyle diseases like diabetes and hypertension and pathogenic ones.
One of the most important psychological causes of ED in men is stress.
This stress can manifest in several ways, like performance anxiety, financial distress, and depression caused by personal loss, relationship issues, and even war.
Read on to find out how can stress cause ED in men and the intricate dynamics that contribute to this phenomenon.
How does stress affect men’s reproductive health
Stress has played a major role in male reproductive health for a long time.
Psychological stress has been proven to affect testicular functions and affect fertility in men.
Stress ranging from mild to severe levels contributes to lowering Spermatogenesis (producing sperm in the testis) in human males.
Uncontrolled stress has been shown to increase Cortisol levels, increasing oxidative stress on all body parts.
Moreover, sleep deprivation by stress causes:
- Disruptions of Circadian rhythm of endocrine systems
- Decreased Spermatogenesis
- Low Testosterone production
- Erectile Dysfunction
However, the effects of environmental stress, like wars and natural disasters, on male fertility should be weighed to assess the extent of damage stress can have.
A study on Lebanese war victims found a significant decline in sperm quality when compared during the war to the post-war period.
A detailed exploration is needed to understand the effects of stress on ED in men and its impact on the overall well-being of men.
Can stress cause ED
Stress causing Erectile Dysfunction in adult males of all ages is a major health issue in the modern world.
However, Stress is a broad term and can include anxiety, depression, PTSD, and relationship issues.
The following are the effects of stress on Erectile Dysfunction syndrome in men.
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is another major psychological reason behind Erectile Dysfunction in men.
Most PTSD victims usually associate several stimuli with the triggers for their trauma, which ultimately results in ED in men.
Work and financial stress
Research has found that workplace-related stress and burnout can cause Erectile Dysfunction in men.
A loss of economic resources can also trigger Psychogenic Erectile Dysfunction (PED).
Increasing unemployment and lower levels of schooling among men are other factors that cause sexual dysfunction.
Relationship issues
When built over time, resentment and frustration in relationships, like frequent arguments, cause many adverse physiological changes in men.
Partners in a relationship seldom discuss sensitive topics like ED because it can lead to shame, fear, and loss of self-esteem.
However, it must be kept in mind that avoiding such discussions and issues over time can only worsen the symptoms without a concrete remedy.
Sexual performance anxiety
The man’s subconscious mind may perceive ED as a sexual failure rather than an ailment, limiting his participation and interest in sex and causing anxiety.
Sexual Performance Anxiety (SPA) can result in premature ejaculation and Psychogenic Erectile Dysfunction (PED) in adult males.
Anxiety is a prevalent cause of Erectile Dysfunction in men, and an increase in anxiety also increases the severity of ED.
Anxiety causes reduced effective involvement, more focus on internal thoughts, perceptions, sensations, and feelings, and a reduced relationship between physiological and mental arousal.
All of these factors make stress a potent cause of ED in men.
Recommended reading:Anxiety and Erectile Dysfunction: How Are They Connected?
Co-morbid depression is a clinically identified reason for psychological ED in men but is also one of the most underdiagnosed causes.
Women are more likely to be diagnosed with depression, but men are far more likely to commit suicide, which indicates that men are severely underdiagnosed with depression and stress.
However, depression also shares a bidirectional relationship with ED since depression can also increase in men because of Erectile Dysfunction.
Consult a doctor if you feel depressed and suicidal.
Seeking treatment
Erectile dysfunction is a difficult ailment to treat and requires regular doctor consultations for the treatment options to be effective.
Among the treatments available, pills like Sildenafil, Tadalafil, Vardenafil, and Avanafil are beneficial, but they usually cause side effects like headaches and sensitivity to light.
Testosterone therapy is only effective in mild to moderate ED cases.
Finally, devices like pumps (pumps blood to penile tissue) and injections of Alprostadil have produced good results in patients diagnosed with ED.
Some lifestyle changes that can reduce stress and mitigate the negative effects of ED are:
- Developing self-confidence
- Eating healthy
- Exercising regularly
- Abstinence from alcohol and smoking
It is advised that people suffering from ED consult their doctor for treatment.
Stress is one of the major contributors to Erectile Dysfunction in men.
Apart from ED, stress also negatively interferes with Spermatogenesis, Testosterone production, and overall fertility in men.
The forms of stress include anxiety and post-traumatic stress disorder. Work and financial stress, depression, relationship issues, and sexual performance anxiety have been shown to cause ED.
Medications, injections, pumps, and hormone therapy are viable options for treating ED.
Knowing how can stress cause ED and seeking consultation with your doctor is essential for an overall and long-lasting treatment for ED in men.
Frequently Asked Questions
How can I fix Erectile Dysfunction due to stress?
The most important step to fixing ED due to stress is to identify the external factors that cause it, like specific stimuli that trigger a trauma, habits like drinking, and relationship issues, which must be fixed or eliminated. Moreover, you should always consult your doctor to seek professional help immediately.
Is ED from stress temporary?
Most psychologically related EDs are temporary and go away with time, and are usually reversible by tending to stress causes. However, the period for the effects to recede is variable and depends on the severity of stress. If the ED persists, you should talk to your doctor for treatment.
Can stress and lack of sleep cause Erectile Dysfunction?
Yes, sleep deprivation can lead to ED. Sleep is an important part of our daily lives. Not getting enough of it can disrupt the Circadian rhythm of our hormones like Cortisol and Testosterone, which can cause low sex drive, premature ejaculation, and Erectile Dysfunction.
How can I cure stress-causing ED naturally?
You can reduce stress-causing ED naturally in several natural ways. Developing habits like regular exercise, healthy eating, staying away from smoking and alcohol, and getting proper sleep is essential. Herbal remedies like Pygnogenol, Panax ginseng, Tribulus terrestris, and Prelox can help, too.
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