Erectile Dysfunction, or ED, is when the ability to achieve and maintain an erection for sexual intercourse sufficiently is affected.

Many believe that this dysfunction comes with age, but this is untrue.

There are various Erectile Dysfunction causes, and it can affect young or old.

The prevalence of ED, however, is increasing with age.

More than 150 million people worldwide have the problem of Erectile Dysfunction.

Most ED cases are treatable and completely curable thus, knowing the causes of Erectile Dysfunction will help approach the right treatment.

This article highlights and informs about the major factors that can cause ED at various ages.

Up to 30 million men in the United States alone are affected by Erectile Dysfunction.

Physical causes of Erectile Dysfunction

Several physical factors can cause Erectile Dysfunction.

A senior individual may wonder, “Is it normal to have Erectile Dysfunction at 60?”

The answer is: It is a disorder, so it is not normal, but a very common one with age 60 and above.

For older age, physical factors are the most common causes of ED.

Most Erectile Dysfunction cases are secondary, which means the problem with erectile function is newly developed and results from an underlying physical condition.

Discussed below are some common physical causes of Erectile Dysfunction, including medical conditions that hinder the blood flow and nerve signals required for an erection:

Also Read: Unveiling Erectile Dysfunction Symptoms: Understanding the Signs.

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Cardiovascular disease

A person with cardiovascular disease often experiences Erectile Dysfunction.

Cardiovascular conditions can disrupt the blood flow to the penis by affecting the heart and blood vessels, causing ED.

Such cardiovascular diseases include Atherosclerosis, heart disease, and High Blood Pressure.

Atherosclerosis is a major factor causing cardiovascular diseases, and its role in causing ED deserves some explanation.

In Atherosclerosis, the plaque build-up narrows and hardens arteries, reducing blood flow to the penis and causing ED. 

Endothelial dysfunction is the first stage of atherosclerosis, affecting the penis as a primary symptom.

These conditions can reduce the blood flow to different body parts, including the penis, thereby causing ED.


high blood sugar levels can damage the retinal blood vessels

Type 2 Diabetes can cause Erectile Dysfunction by damaging the nerve and blood vessels controlling erections.

Neuropathy, or the nerve damage resulting from Diabetes, starts at the toes and fingers, working upwards.

It affects smaller arteries and blood vessels, reducing the blood flow to the penis and impacting erection.

Facts to Know: The Link Between Diabetes and Erectile Dysfunction

Low Testosterone

Testosterone is a crucial hormone for regular sexual function.

Low Testosterone levels can hinder achieving and sustaining an erection and contribute to Erectile Dysfunction.

Furthermore, low Testosterone can be linked to other chronic conditions that can cause ED, for example, heart disease, type 2 Diabetes, and obesity.

Neurological disorders

There is a complex relationship between the nervous system and sexual function.

Nerve disorders can lead to Erectile Dysfunction by disturbing the communication between the brain and the reproductive organs. 

Two such neurological disorders are multiple Sclerosis and Parkinson’s disease.


Being overweight affects the hormone levels and blood flow and increases the risk of ED. 

Obesity can damage the blood vessels that control erections.

It can also cause inflammation, harming the blood vessels and nerves responsible for an erection.

Atherosclerosis, which can cause heart attacks, is the most common cause of Erectile Dysfunction.  Consult your doctor if you experience ED, as there might be a heart disease or circulatory problem causing it.

Emotional and psychological causes of Erectile Dysfunction

Mental health greatly impacts sexual performance; thus, psychological factors must not be overlooked.

Also, these could be potential causes of Erectile Dysfunction likely to affect at a younger age.

The most common psychological Erectile Dysfunction causes include the following:


The brain is responsible for sending messages to the penis, increasing the blood flow and causing an erection.

Being anxious about sexual performance can hinder this process and cause Erectile Dysfunction.

Performance anxiety, in particular, worsens the condition by creating a vicious cycle of anxiety, where the fear of the inability to perform sexually leads to more anxiety, which in turn worsens ED.

Also Read: About Anxiety and Erectile Dysfunction: How Are They Connected?


Depression can interfere with hormone levels and reduce the libido, affecting sexual function.

The negative thoughts and low mood can also cause performance anxiety, hindering erectile function.

Someone with depression taking antidepressants can experience ED too, as some of those medications cause low libido too.

Relationship issues

Relationship issues
Relationship issues

Problems in relationships, like lack of intimacy or communication, can cause Erectile Dysfunction.

A person with ED avoids talking about it with their partner, which can make their partner feel angry, hurt, insecure, and anxious.

When someone has ED, they are usually embarrassed and feel vulnerable and ashamed.

These feelings intensify when they fail at erections during sex.

Therefore, the stress they put on themselves further adds to ED, forming a vicious cycle between relationship issues and Erectile Dysfunction.

Recommended Read: My Boyfriend has Erectile Dysfunction What Should I Do? Also, you can Buy Kamagra oral jelly, a Treatment for Erectile Dysfunction.

Medications that cause Erectile Dysfunction

Certain medications can lead to Erectile Dysfunction as one of the side effects. 

Examples of prescription medications that can cause Erectile Dysfunction are:

  • Antidepressants 
  • Antihistamines 
  • Medications for blood pressure, such as diuretics and beta-blockers.

Some other medications that cause Erectile Dysfunction include:

  • Antiarrhythmics (medication for irregular heart action)
  • Chemotherapy and hormonal medicines
  • Histamine H2-receptor antagonists
  • Muscle relaxants
  • Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs
  • Prostate cancer drugs

Lifestyle causes of Erectile Dysfunction

Some habits can enhance the risk of ED, such as large amounts of alcohol consumption, illicit drug use, and smoking.

These lifestyle choices can harm the essential nerves and blood vessels for a healthy erectile function.

Additionally, a sedentary lifestyle, including a lack of exercise and a poor diet, can cause Erectile Dysfunction.

Also Read: Alcohol Can Cause ED: Truth or a Myth?

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A person with ED regularly fails to achieve or maintain an erection.

It is commonly prevalent among those above 60.

Erectile Dysfunction is a common disorder, and multiple factors are causing it.

Major Erectile Dysfunction causes are medical conditions such as cardiovascular diseases, Diabetes, obesity, etc.

Lifestyle choices, emotional conditions, and certain medications might also contribute to ED. 

Examples of psychological factors causing Erectile Dysfunction are anxiety, depression, and relationship problems.

Using drugs like antidepressants, muscle relaxants, prostate cancer drugs, and drugs for Blood Pressure can lead to ED.

Understanding the causes of ED is vital for getting effective solutions to treat the disorder.

Frequently Asked Questions

What causes Erectile Dysfunction?

Different factors can cause Erectile Dysfunction, like physical and psychological factors. Examples of physical factors are cardiovascular diseases, Diabetes, and obesity. Psychological causes include anxiety, depression, and stress. Medication and lifestyle choices like poor diet and smoking can also lead to ED.

Which blood pressure medicines cause Erectile Dysfunction?

Potential side effects of certain blood pressure medicines, like diuretics and beta-blockers, include Erectile Dysfunction. It is important to talk to a doctor about the potential side effects of any medicine someone is taking.

What is the main cause of Erectile Dysfunction?

No one factor can be termed as the main cause of Erectile Dysfunction. It is often a combination of different factors that might lead to ED. However, the most common contributing factors can be said to be medical and psychological issues.

Can smoking weed every day cause Erectile Dysfunction?

Yes, smoking weed every day can lead to Erectile Dysfunction. The THC in marijuana can reduce the blood flow to the penis, making it difficult to attain or maintain an erection. Therefore, chronic marijuana use impacts nerve function. However, note that not much research has been conducted on this topic.
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