A swollen eyelid is a medical condition where the lower, upper, or both eyelids enlarge. 

The swelling is caused due to fluid buildup in the thin tissue layers surrounding the eyes. 

Unfortunately, most of us will have to deal with a swollen eyelid once in a lifetime. 

However, swollen eyelid treatment is possible under proper clinical supervision. 

Scroll down and check out the suitable treatment options. Yet, check with your doctor to know about the possible interaction.

A study carried out over a ten-year period (2004 through 2013) in South Korea determined the overall incidence of swollen eyelids to be 1.1 per 100 person-years. This increased with time and was higher in female patients. The overall prevalence for patients over 40 years of age was 8.8%.


Specific tests and procedures are used to diagnose your swollen eye.

  • Examining your eyes
    Your eye specialist may use a magnifying instrument to examine your eyes and eyelids. 
  • Swabbing skin for testing
    Your doctor may collect oil or crust samples from your eyelid. This sample can be analyzed for fungi, bacteria, or evidence of an allergy.


Self-care measures like using warm compresses and washing your eyes might be all you need to treat the condition. 

However, if these self-care measures aren’t enough, your doctor may recommend prescribed treatments, including

swollen eyelid treatment
Eye Checkup

Medications that fight infection

Antibiotics applied to the eyelid might resolve the bacterial infection and provide relief of symptoms.

These are available in various forms, including ointments, creams, and eye drops.

In some cases, topical medicines don’t work, so avoid overusing them. Your doctor might suggest an oral antibiotic if your body doesn’t respond to topical antibiotics.

Medications to control inflammation

Doctors may suggest steroid ointments or eye drops for swollen eyelid treatment for people who don’t respond to other therapies.

You may also be recommended both anti-inflammatory and antibiotic drugs.

Medications that affect the immune system

Restasis or topical cyclosporine might offer relief from specific signs and symptoms of a swollen eyelid.

Also Read: Want to learn more about these medications? Read our helping guide, “Medicine for Swollen Eyelids: A Comprehensive Guide“.

Treatments for underlying conditions

Blepharitis caused by Rosacea, Seborrheic dermatitis, or other diseases can be controlled by treating the underlying condition.

Other recommended treatment procedures might ask if an intense pulsed light might unclog the glands.

In general, swollen eyelids disappear with time. In case of severity, contact your doctor for further treatment options. 

Even if you take proper care of your condition, it could be chronic and require daily attention with eyelid scrubs.

If you have lost eyelashes, you don’t respond to treatment, or only one eye is affected, the condition might result from localized eyelid cancer.

When to consult a doctor

The swelling of the eyelid can damage the eyes and therefore be taken seriously. 

If pain and swelling do not reduce on their own, immediately consult your Optometrist. 

Depending on the nature and cause of the problem, your healthcare provider may suggest different medications and eye drops. 

If required, your doctor might recommend minor surgery.

When the swelling is caused mainly due to an allergy, doctors may suggest an antihistamine eye drop or an oral allergy medication. 

A doctor might occasionally suggest mild steroid eye drops, depending on your need. 

If the swelling occurs due to an infection, specific eye drops like Locula Eye Drop 20% (10ml), antibiotics, or anti-inflammatory eye drops can help reduce the pain and swelling. 

Based on the severity of your condition, you can also ask for allergy shots or oral medications.

You also need to ensure that you stay indoors to avoid developing other symptoms.


Prevention is always better than cure; you can always do things to prevent a swollen eyelid.

Help to reducing eye floaters naturally by wearing black sunglasses
sunglass to protect eye

For example, you can always wear protective eyewear to prevent a black eye.

You can use polycarbonate sunglasses to protect the eyes from injury. 

These glasses are light and made up of shatter-resistant material with a UV coating. 

Due to its durability, it has been a favorite among youths and athletes. 

Additional ways to prevent swelling of the eyelid include, 

  • Drink plenty of water
  • Get enough rest each night
  • Avoid irritants and known allergens
  • Increase your intake of specific vitamins
  • Avoid using hemorrhoid cream on your eyes
  • Take medications as directed by your doctor
  • Avoid too much alcohol, caffeine, and sodium
  • At night, before bed, apply cold compresses to your eyes
  • Talk with your eye-care specialist about any problems with your eyes and eyelids
  • Ask your doctor to give you a list of preferred foods you can add to your diet. This will help you improve the overall health of your eyes and skin

Also Read: To learn about effective home remedies for swollen eyelids in detail, read our article “Remedies for Swollen Eyelid: Safe and Effective Solutions“.

Summing Up

For most people, swollen eyelids are common and might persist if not diagnosed on time.

Aging, allergies, and lack of sleep could be the possible cause of swollen eyelids. 

In addition to treating the root cause of eyelid swelling, you can ask your doctor to suggest home remedies to reduce eyelid swelling. 

Even Dr. Jalimon from the National Institutes of Health suggested looking into serums and eye creams with caffeine.

These can reduce the appearance of swelling. 

However, make sure to consult your doctor before taking such measures. 

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Frequently Asked Questions

What is the fastest way to heal a swollen eyelid?

Applying ice or a cold pack wrapped in a clean, wet cloth can help reduce the initial swelling. To decrease eyelid swelling and pain, you must put the washcloth on the eye for 15 to 20 minutes.

What to put on a swollen eyelid?

You can use a warm compress. Take a clean, wet washcloth and dip it in warm water. Drain excess water and smoothly place the cloth over your eyelids. If required, repeat the process to keep the cloth temperature constant.

How to treat swollen eyelids?

Applying a cold pack for 15 to 20 minutes on the swollen area may help reduce inflammation. Your doctor may recommend anti-allergy medicines or oral antihistamines to reduce the itching and irritation in the eyelid.

Is heat or cold better for swollen eyelids?

Cold compress is better in case of swollen eyelids. It slows down the blood flow, which reduces swelling and pain. However, heat boosts blood flow and nutrients. It is best for any stiffness in the muscles.

How do you reduce swelling fast?

You can use a cold therapy system, cold compress, ice baths, or cryotherapy to reduce the blood flow to the affected area. Applying a cold compress for 20 – 30 minutes can help reduce eyelid inflammation.

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