An optic nerve is a group of more than one million nerve fibers that carry visual messages from the eyes to the brain.

This bundle of nerve fibers is vital to your eyesight as damage to these can cause changes in your vision.

In 2020, 79.6 million people were diagnosed with Glaucoma, which is primarily caused by optic nerve damage.

Since optic nerve damage is not reversible, it becomes crucial to ensure the health of nerve cells.

Read the article to learn about the preventive measures you can take to avoid optic nerve damage.

Massage therapy

Poor blood circulation is the most common cause of optic nerve damage.

Self-eye massage can help increase blood circulation and, as a result, improve your nerve fiber health.

You can try the following steps for a daily eye exercise:

Optic nerve swelling home remedies
Optic Nerve

Exercise 1

This can help increase blood circulation and oxygen supply around your eyes.

  • Close your eyes
  • Massage your eye-socket bones gently with your fingertips down to the bridge of the nose
  • Repeat this 8-10 times

Exercise 2

This exercise can help you work on the muscles around the eyes.

  • Press on the pressure points under the inner eyebrow bone and count to three
  • Then press the temples and count to three
  • By adding the pressure, you are stimulating the areas of facial muscles

Exercise 3

This exercise will help relieve pressure between your eyes

  • Use your thumbs to press right above the inner corners of your eyes gently
  • Repeat the procedure five times

Exercise 4

Follow these steps to reduce the tension in your temples

  • Massage the hollow area in the temples on the side of your face in up and down motion
  • Massage the area for a minute

Exercise 5

You can try these exercises to keep your eyes healthy and relaxed.

  • Use your index fingers to massage the area directly behind the eyes at the back of your head
  • Massage the area for a minute
  • Avoid pressing too hard since this is a tender spot
Eye exercises can help improve your overall eye health, but they are not treatments themselves.
If you suspect any eye problems, speak with your eye doctor immediately.

Diet and nutrition

The best way to protect optic nerves from damage is to ensure adequate blood flow to the nerves.

You can take a diet with antioxidant properties to help manage your eye health.

Antioxidants help reduce oxidative stress by inhibiting the formation of free radicals and subsequently improve immune function and health.

Below are some natural, nutritious foods you can include in your diet for better optic nerve health.


Bilberry (Vaccinium Myrtillus) is a perennial herb native to northern Europe.

Bilberry fruit is a rich source of good nutrition, including Vitamin A and C, Catechol Tannins, and Hydroquinone.

Its extracts contain flavonoid anthocyanin, which is effective against the damage caused by various stress conditions.

Moreover, Anthocyanin has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties that may contribute to its overall benefits.


Quercetin is a Polyphenolic flavonoid (plant pigment) found in our daily diet and herbs.

It is the most abundant flavonoid in our diet, found in onions, broccoli, citrus fruits, tea, and coffee.

It is a type of flavonol known for healthy blood vessel function.

The antioxidant properties of this flavonoid help reduce oxidative stress.

Since oxidative stress is linked to optic nerve damage, having a diet rich in Quercetin can help manage eye health.

Additionally, it can improve vision and functional recovery of the optic pathways by its protective effects on Myelin that surrounds the optic nerve.

Grape seed

How to repair optic nerve damage naturally - Grape seeds
Grape seed

Grape seeds are used to treat many health problems.

Like Quercetin, grape seed extract has antioxidant properties, so it helps prevent damage to optic nerves by reducing oxidative stress.

Studies show that grape seeds protect neurons and nerve cells, specifically retinal ganglion cells, from damage and cell death.


Niacinamide is a form of Vitamin B3.

As we age, nerve cells can become less functional. Niacinamide has a protective effect on these nerve cells.

A study by Pete Williams et al. says that Vitamin B3 boosts the metabolic reliability of aging retinal ganglion cells, improving optic nerve health.


Saffron is a spice obtained from the Crocus sativus flower.

Its anti-neuroinflammatory, anti-apoptosis, and anti-oxidative properties have neuroprotective effects.

Daily oral supplements of saffron combined with prescribed eye drops in Glaucoma patients resulted in a significant reduction in intraocular pressure.

The major active ingredient, Crocin in saffron, suppresses abnormal central nervous system activity (Microglial activation) that can lead to retinal ganglion cells.

Saffron is the most expensive spice in the world. Because the saffron flower is hand-picked individually, and just three stigmas are collected per flower.

Black currants

The black currant is a deciduous shrub of edible berries.

These berries have high levels of Calcium, Potassium, Iron, and Magnesium and contain gamma-Linolenic acid.

Rich sources of Anthocyanin in black currants may help treat Glaucoma.

Anti-oxidant properties of these berries can increase blood flow in the eye, reducing the chances of nerve damage.

Recommended Reading
You can also read Understanding Optic Nerve Functions and How to Test Them to learn more about the role of Optic Nerves in our eyesight.


Optic nerves are a bundle of around a million fibers that help transmit visual information from the eyes to the brain.

It is not capable of regeneration, nor can it heal itself. Thus prevention becomes the only way to keep optic nerves healthy.

Since poor blood circulation is the major cause of optic nerve damage, you can try some eye exercises regularly to improve circulation.

You can also change your dietary habits to include more nutritious food rich in antioxidants.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do you heal optic nerve damage naturally?

You can not reverse the damage done to optic nerves. However, you can try including some nutritious foods in your diet to keep nerves from damage. You can also try eye exercises daily to improve blood circulation around your eyes.

Can a damaged optic nerve repair itself?

Optic nerves can not regenerate or heal by themselves. Also, there are no FDA-approved medicines or surgeries to repair the optic fibers. Therefore damaged optic nerve can not repair itself.

Which vitamin is good for the optic nerve?

Vitamins B12, B6, and B1, called neurotrophic vitamins, are essential for maintaining the health of the optic nerve. Vitamin A, a component of Rhodopsin, is a protein that helps improve your vision.

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