Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID) is one of the common female reproductive organ problems associated with many causative pathogens.

According to The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, in the United States only, PID is diagnosed in more than 1 million women each year.

PID can cause a range of symptoms, including pain in the pelvic region to heavy vaginal discharge. However, in some cases, PID can be an asymptomatic condition.

In the absence of conspicuous symptoms, it may be difficult for a healthcare practitioner to diagnose the condition.

Then how is PID diagnosed?

This comprehensive article elaborates on how is PID diagnosed for the early detection of the condition and seeking medical treatments.

How is Pelvis Inflammatory Disease diagnosed

There is no specific screening test for the diagnosis of PID. 

However, a healthcare practitioner relies on several test findings to detect the condition.

Pelvic Inflammatory Disease can be diagnosed in the following ways:

Patient’s medical history

A brief knowledge of a patient’s medical condition can help to determine the presence of PID.

The doctor may ask questions about the patient’s medical health, sexual activity, and general health.

According to the Office on Women’s Health under the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, PID affects up to 5% of women in the United States.

Based on symptoms

Woman suffering from pain due to PID

Women suspected of having PID can explicitly tell about their problems and symptoms associated with them to the doctor.

By understanding the symptoms thoroughly, a doctor can get an idea of PID and recommend further confirmational tests and examinations.

Some of the major signs of PID are as follows:

  • Pain in the lower abdomen
  • Chills or fever
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Pain during sex
  • Irregular menstruation
  • Burning sensation while peeing
Undiagnosed PID can elevate the risk of infertility and Ectopic pregnancy in women. Therefore, consult a healthcare practitioner and seek prompt medical attention.

Blood tests

Based on the symptoms and history of sexual activity of women, the doctor can recommend a blood test.

Blood tests can detect the elevated Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate (ESR), a remarkable inflammatory marker in women with PID.

Further, a blood test can also check the C-reactive protein (CRP), another inflammatory marker in women with PID.

Moreover, an elevated WBC count in blood can also indicate the presence of an infection.

Recommended Article
Read “PID Antibiotics: Choosing the Right Treatment Approach” and learn about the conventional medicines to alleviate PID symptoms.

Urine tests

A urine sample test can also be conducted to detect infections.

During this test, a doctor or nurse may take a woman’s urine sample in a container and send it to the laboratory for further testing.

Pelvic exam

During a pelvic examination for PID, the doctor checks the pelvic region for swelling or tenderness.

A doctor or nurse can use a cotton swab to take the fluid sample from the vagina or cervix.

The test can help in determining the presence of Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs) in the pelvic region.

The major STDs detected in PID include Gonorrhea and Chlamydia.

PID ultrasound

Ultrasound checkup for regular monitoring
A doctor is using ultrasound scanner for checkup

Ultrasound is usually the first imaging recommended in case of lower abdominal pain.

The early findings of PID ultrasound include:

  • Indistinct margins of the uterus
  • Thickened fallopian tubes
  • Echogenic pelvic fat

Further, some other non-specific findings include:

  • Fluid in the endometrial cavity
  • Increased endometrial thickness
  • Increased ovarian volume


Laparoscopy is a rapid and correct diagnosis of Pelvic Inflammatory Disease.

During this procedure, a healthcare practitioner inserts a thin instrument inside the abdomen to review the pelvic organs and detect PID.

Endometrial biopsy

During an endometrial biopsy, a healthcare practitioner inserts a thin instrument inside the uterus.

The thin instrument collects a small amount of endometrial samples to test the signs of infection or inflammation in the region.

These tests are crucial for diagnosing PID and prescribing medications and treatment options depending on the test results.


There is no specific diagnosis for Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID). However, a doctor can recommend various tests to detect PID in women.

Firstly, a doctor can ask questions about a woman’s medical and sexual history to get an idea about the condition. Further, the doctor can ask about the symptoms.

Based on the symptoms, a doctor may recommend a few tests, including blood, urine, and pelvic examinations.

A PID ultrasound, laparoscopy, and endometrial biopsy can also be conducted to understand the condition better.

Therefore, it is crucial to consult a healthcare practitioner for early detection of the pathogen and seek medical treatment for faster recovery.

Frequently Asked Questions

How is Pelvic Inflammatory Disease diagnosed?

There is no specific test for the diagnosis of Pelvic Inflammatory Disease. However, a doctor can conduct various tests and examine a woman’s medical and sexual history for the detection of PID. The tests include blood, urine, pelvic exam, PID ultrasound, laparoscopy, and endometrial biopsy.

What is the best way to diagnose PID?

The best way to diagnose PID is through laparoscopy. It is a rapid and correct diagnostic test for PID in women.

Does Pelvic Inflammatory Disease show on ultrasound?

Yes, Pelvic Inflammatory Disease does show up on ultrasound. It can detect severe PID conditions but cannot detect mild PID. PID ultrasound can detect indistinct margins of the uterus, thickened fallopian tubes, and echogenic pelvic fat to diagnose PID.

How do doctors test for PID?

There is no specific test for the diagnosis of PID. However, doctors can conduct tests and examine a woman’s medical and sexual history. They can also detect the symptoms of PID for effective diagnosis. They can also conduct tests including blood, urine, pelvic exam, PID ultrasound, laparoscopy, and endometrial biopsy.

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