Fibroids and cysts are female health concerns that affect the reproductive system. 

Such growths on and around the uterus and ovaries can cause discomfort and pain. 

It can get even more difficult to figure out which problem is causing discomfort due to their similarities. 

However, knowing in detail about fibroids and cysts to effectively diagnose them is crucial for treatment. 

This article aims to cover all such aspects in this fibroids vs cysts comparative analysis.

What is the difference between fibroids and cysts: Overview

The following table provides a quick overview of fibroids and cysts comparison. 

DefinitionFluid-filled sac that develops in the ovaries. Noncancerous growths in the uterus
SymptomsHeavy periods, bloating, pain, and difficulty in bowel movementHeavy menstrual bleeding, frequent pain and urination, etc
CausesIt occurs due to age and fertility drugs. The cause can also depend on the type of cystIt occurs due to genetics, insulin growth factors, hormonal changes, etc
PrevalenceIt affects 10 percent of women It affects 20 to 50 percent of females in their reproductive years, and it can further go up to 77 percent
DiagnosisUltrasound, pelvic exam, and Laparoscopy can detect cystsUltrasounds, both abdominal and transvaginal, can be used to check for fibroids. MRIs and Hysterectomies are other available options
TreatmentTreatment options include injections, surgery, incision, and drainageTreatment of fibroids includes hormonal birth control, anti-inflammatory drugs, and surgeries

Are cyst and fibroids the same

Fibroids are noncancerous tumors of smooth muscle cells that grow in the uterus. 

They affect 20-50 percent of the women in reproductive age, and the rate can go higher up to 77 percent. 

On the other hand, cyst (ovarian cyst) is a fluid-filled sac that develops in the ovaries. 

About 10 percent of women are affected by cysts. 

There are several types of cysts, out of which Solitary cysts are the most common. They are fluid-filled sacs that normally do not cause symptoms. About 25 percent of Americans aged above 50 have this cyst.

Fibroids and cysts symptoms

woman having cramping pain in the back
Woman having back pain

The symptoms of fibroids include:

  • Low back pain
  • Constipation or feeling pressure on your rectum
  • Inability to pee
  • Increased abdominal distention (enlargement) 
  • Heavy or painful periods
  • Bleeding between your periods
  • Bloating
  • Chronic vaginal discharge
  • Frequent urination 

The symptoms of cysts include:

  • Pelvic pain 
  • Pain during sex
  • Difficulty in bowel movement
  • Frequent urination
  • Heavy, light, or irregular periods
  • Bloating
  • Feeling very full after only eating a little
  • Difficulty getting pregnant 

Fibroids vs cysts causes

The causes of cysts include:

  • Age: During childbearing years, an Ovarian cyst is more likely to form. The chances lower after Menopause
  • Fertility drugs: Taking fertility drugs can form multiple cysts. They may resolve after periods or pregnancy

Some causes also depend on the type:

  • Follicular cyst: It happens when the follicle that releases an egg every month fails to break. The fluid that stays inside forms a cyst
  • Corpus Luteum cyst: This happens after the egg is released. It contains blood and also produces Estrogen and Progesterone

Fibroids are caused by: 

  • Genetics: Changes to the genes of the uterine muscles, i.e., abnormal genes, can be one of the causes of fibroids
  • Insulin growth factor: It is one of the factors that helps the body maintain tissues, which can boost fibroid growth
  • High hormone levels: The hormones Estrogen and Progesterone thicken the lining of the uterus and help the fibroids grow
  • Extracellular Matrix (ECM): ECM makes cells stick together, which can result in fibroids

Ovarian cyst and fibroids together

Ovarian cysts and fibroids are both common conditions that can occur together. 

A 2023 study presented the case of simultaneous fibroids and Ovarian cysts. 

Such instances can also occur in the case of Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS)

In this condition, the ovaries have multiple small cysts. 

A study by Lauren A Wise found that women with PCOS have 65 percent higher chances of having fibroids. 

Fibroids vs cysts diagnosis

Diagnosing fibroids and cysts is essential for determining the problem and selecting treatment options. 

Fibroids diagnosis can be done through various simple methods.

It includes options like ultrasound scans, Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI), and Hysteroscopy. 

In contrast, a cyst can be diagnosed through a few tests. 

It may begin with a pelvic exam to look for lumps and then followed by an ultrasound. 

Another method is Laparoscopy, which can be used for both treatment and diagnosis. 

It involves putting small cuts in the abdomen to insert a tube with a camera to look for cysts. 

Fibroids and cysts treatment

Fibroids and cysts can be treated with multiple options. 

Cyst treatment

Ovarian cysts mainly disappear without treatment in a few months. 

Sometimes, treatment may be required depending on their size, appearance, and symptoms. 

Some of the options to treat cysts include hormonal birth control like birth control pills.

Besides, surgery is another effective option for the complete removal of cysts. 

Two options available under surgery are Laparoscopic Ovarian cystectomy and Laparotomy. 

Laparoscopic Ovarian cystectomy is a minimally invasive surgery performed by making small cuts in the abdomen. 

On the other hand, Laparotomy is an open surgery that involves one large incision to remove a cyst. 

Laparotomy can cause complications like bleeding, damage to internal organs, and abdominal blockage. Choose an experienced surgeon and discuss all risks with your doctor. Inform your doctor promptly about any discomfort.

Fibroids treatment

Fibroids also need no treatment if you do not have any symptoms. 

If symptoms arise, the treatment is decided according to the problem.


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An additional treatment for moderate to severe symptoms is Ulipristal acetate, which is only used occasionally. 

If the treatment goal is shrinking fibroids, then Gonadotropin-releasing hormone analogs (GnRH) may be prescribed. 

They are used to shrink fibroids by reducing Estrogen production. 

Additionally, they can offer relief from frequent constipation and urination. 

At last, to relieve severe symptoms, surgical options are available. 

These can include:

  • Hysterectomy: It involves the removal of the uterus. This surgical option is used in case of big fibroids or excessive bleeding
  • Myomectomy: This method is used to remove fibroids from the walls of the womb. It can be carried out through small incisions or open surgery, depending on the fibroids
  • Endometrial ablation: This procedure removes only the lining of the uterus. It can be carried through laser energy or a heated wire loop

Non-surgical alternatives include:

  • Uterine Artery Embolization (UAE): It is an alternative to surgical methods for large fibroids. It makes use of X-rays and scans to detect problems and blocks cut-off blood supply from fibroids to shrink them

Home remedy for fibroids and cysts

green tea has been helpful in lowering Estrogen metabolic
Herbal tea on a table

At-home care can also help manage fibroids and cysts. 

Herbs for Ovarian cysts and fibroids

Some common herbs can benefit those with fibroids and cysts. 

Chaste tree berry

The effect of this herb on the endometrial lining is what makes chaste tree berries suitable for treating fibroids.

Alongside menstrual issues like hot flashes and bleeding, Chaste Tree Berry is also used for treating Ovarian cysts


Ginger is a popular home remedy for menstrual irregularities and is also considered beneficial for treating fibroids due to its anti-inflammatory properties. 

It can also be useful for those with cysts as animal studies found that ginger tea could improve PCOS. 


Similar to ginger, the anti-inflammatory properties of turmeric are beneficial to treating fibroids through herbal processes. 

Moreover, a 2021 review confirmed that the curcumin present in turmeric resulted in the disappearance of cysts. 

Green tea for fibroids and cysts

Green tea can be an effective additive in reducing the impact of fibroids and cysts. 

Studies found that 45 percent of Epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), a compound of green tea extract, can reduce the size of fibroids. 

Another one from 2015 found that green tea extract decreases the number of cystic follicles in the ovary. 

Can you get pregnant with fibroids and Ovarian cysts

Yes, it is possible to get pregnant with fibroids and Ovarian cysts. 

Fibroids can sometimes make it difficult for you to get pregnant. 

However, it is possible to improve the chances of pregnancy. 

For that, you must consult your doctor to discuss the risks and required treatments. 

On the other hand, most cysts do not hinder pregnancy.

Still, you must check with your doctor to discuss risks and possibilities in case cysts cause complications. 


Fibroids and cysts are two conditions that affect the female reproductive system and can occur together. 

They have similar symptoms like pain during periods, bloating, frequent urination, and changes in periods. 

The cause of fibroids is mainly related to genetics and hormones, while cysts are caused by age, fertility, and menstrual cycle. 

To diagnose them, an ultrasound can be used. 

Additionally, a pelvic exam and Laparoscopy can detect cysts, while an MRI and Hysteroscopy can diagnose fibroids. 

Most cysts and asymptomatic fibroids do not need treatment. 

If needed, a doctor can use injections or surgery to treat cysts. 

For fibroids, Laparoscopy, Hysterectomy, birth control, and anti-inflammatory medicines can be used. 

On an individual level, you can effectively manage fibroids and cysts with home remedies that involve green tea and herbs like turmeric and ginger. 

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