Female Sexual Dysfunction is a common problem that affects sexual function, making pleasure hard to achieve. 

According to a study by NCBI, over 40 percent of women suffer from Sexual Dysfunction. 

It not only causes symptoms like discomfort or pain during sex, but also friction between partners which can put the relationship at stake. 

So, it becomes essential to understand it better to secure physical and emotional intimacy. 

This article presents a guide to Female Sexual Dysfunction, including its symptoms, types, causes, and treatment. 

It will help navigate the risk and ensure a pleasurable experience. 

Sexual Dysfunction in women

Female Sexual Dysfunction includes problems that obstruct an enjoyable sexual experience for a female. 

It is a progressive condition that becomes prevalent as women age.

Hypoactive sexual desire disorder affects approximately 30% of women. It is associated with other medical problems like Depression.

Symptoms of Female Sexual Dysfunction

The Female Sexual Dysfunction symptoms depend upon the type of disorders, which are: 

  • Desire disorders: They are also called libido disorders. It is the loss of sex drive which causes a lack of intimacy due to disinterest. Reasons for desire disorders can be low sex hormones, Depression, and Anxiety
  • Arousal disorders: It is the lack of arousal during intercourse. In this disorder, sexual satisfaction is not achieved despite the stimulation and libido
  • Orgasm disorders: These disorders either delay or prevent an orgasm. Despite enough libido and arousal, a woman does not finish up completely
  • Pain disorders: Problems like Vaginismus can make sex painful and less enjoyable

Depending on the type of disorder, a woman can experience:

  • No orgasm
  • Inability to relax the vaginal muscles or muscle spasms
  • Lack of vaginal lubrication before and during intercourse
  • Lack of interest or low sex drive
  • Difficulty in arousal
  • Painful intercourse

Causes of Female Sexual Dysfunction

Woman taking stress

There are several causes of Sexual Dysfunction that result in different disorders. 

These can include:

  • Stress: It is a psychological factor that can affect sexual function in many ways. It can cause loss of libido and tiredness in women
  • Psychological issues: Relationship trauma from the past and Depression can affect sexual performance
  • Poor lifestyle: Smoking, using drugs, or tobacco can cause the sexual function to decline
  • Menopause: The reproductive hormones of females lower in this phase. Several reproductive changes can result in a lack of arousal, interest, and orgasm
  • Low sex hormone levels: Lack of Testosterone or Estrogen affects sex drive. It can make arousal or orgasm difficult
  • Medical problems: Chronic illness or other medical issues can cause Sexual Dysfunction. These can include Cancer, Diabetes, heart problems, or bladder problems
  • Pregnancy: Pregnancy, breastfeeding, and postpartum can affect sexual stimulation and response. This can happen due to hormonal fluctuations
  • Some medications: Some medicines can cause problems that come under Sexual Dysfunction. Antidepressants with Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors can lower the female sex drive

Risk factors

Some problems which can increase the risk of developing Female Sexual Dysfunction are

  • Depression or Anxiety
  • Heart and blood vessel disease
  • Neurological conditions like spinal cord injury
  • Medications, such as antidepressants or high blood pressure medications
  • Gynecological conditions, such as Vulvovaginal Atrophy or infections
  • Emotional or psychological stress in a relationship with your partner
  • History of sexual abuse

Female Sexual Dysfunction types

Female Sexual Dysfunction includes problems like

  • Vaginal, Urinary, and Bowel Dysfunction like Vaginismus and Constipation or Fecal Incontinence (leakage)
  • Pain that involves Dyspareunia and pain in the genitals when not having sex
  • Hormonal concerns like Genitourinary Syndrome of Menopause (GSM) with symptoms like burning and discomfort, Hyperactive or Hypoactive Sexual Desire Disorder, and Anorgasmia
Sexual Dysfunction is associated with suicidal thoughts. One must consult a doctor for treatment to secure physical and mental well-being. 

How do you treat Female Sexual Dysfunction

Couple consulting a doctor
Couple therapy session

A medical expert confirms the issue through a pelvic examination and blood test. 

After that, the following treatments can be considered. 

  • Sex therapy: A specialist can help couples improve pleasure and sexual relations
  • Estrogen therapy: Localized Estrogen therapy can boost blood flow to the vagina. This can improve libido, vaginal elasticity, tone, and lubrication. 
  • Testosterone therapy: It uses Testosterone to boost libido and sexual function. It benefits women who have issues due to low Testosterone levels
  • Sex education and communication:  It includes understanding sexual behaviors. Communicating with the partner can help improve the sexual experience and relations
  • Ospemifene: It can help women with Vulvovaginal Atrophy. It reduces pain and dryness during intercourse
  • Mechanical aids: A vacuum device or dilator can assist in a better sexual experience. Vibrators can improve stimulation and orgasm in females
  • Female Sexual Dysfunction pills: If the problem arises due to a lack of hormones, it can be resolved by pills. Premenopausal women may be given Flibanserin and Bremelanotide to improve their sex drive. Sildenafil may prove beneficial for some women with Sexual Dysfunction.


Female Sexual Dysfunction inculcates several medical conditions like Vaginismus, Dyspareunia, and GSM. 

Its noticeable symptoms are lack of arousal, muscle spasms, and painful intercourse. 

Female Sexual Dysfunction can be caused by medications, stress, or psychological factors. 

Some factors like heart conditions and Anxiety can increase the risk of Female Sexual Dysfunction. 

With the guidance of a doctor, one can seek the right treatment to improve sexual function.  Some of the options available include pills, mechanical aids, and therapy. 

Communicating with the partner and stress mitigation can help achieve the final bliss.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the most common Sexual Dysfunction in females?

A low sex drive means not being willing to have intercourse. It is one of the most common Female Sexual Dysfunction. One in every three women deal with it. It can be due to hormonal changes at various stages of the menstrual cycle or medications. Other common ones are lack of arousal or orgasm.  

Is Female Sexual Dysfunction treatable?

Most of the time, Sexual Dysfunction and disorders are treatable. It is important to determine what Sexual Dysfunction a woman is dealing with. A few options available are Androgen therapy, sex therapy, mechanical devices, and medications.

What can a woman do to help with Erectile Dysfunction?

Erectile Dysfunction is a male disorder, but it also affects females. The sexual satisfaction or desires of both partners are compromised. To help the partner, a woman can talk to him, discuss the issue, and learn more about it. Reassuring him, seeking treatment, and trying other ways of sexual stimulation can help. 

Why am I not getting hard for my wife?

There are several reasons which can cause difficulty in erection. It can last for a short while due to stress, fear of satisfying a partner, and doubts about getting intimate. Erectile Dysfunction can cause consistent difficulty in getting an erection or maintaining it.

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