Sexual Overdrive: Why Is My Sex Drive So High?
High libido can be understood as an increased interest in sexual thoughts and a desire to engage in sexual activity.
Normally, sex drive may naturally fluctuate and may show a sudden dip or rise throughout our lives.
But what if it remains high for longer periods, and are there any negative consequences of its effect?
This article will emphasize a general yet less explored question among people, “Why is my sex drive so high,” and its underlying reasons.
We will also discuss various effective ways to lower your elevated sex drive for a better sexual experience and health.
So, let’s learn in detail.
Causes of high sex drive
There can be numerous underlying reasons for your high sex drive, such as:
Hormonal changes
Your sex hormone level plays a crucial role in fueling your sex drive.
Testosterone can significantly impact overall sex drive in men.
Further, in women, the surge in Estrogen levels before and during ovulation can also boost the sex drive.
Quality of relationship
A positive relationship with your partner, quality time, and healthy conversations can improve the connection between both of you.
It can also affect the sex drive and may help you create a strong bond.
Increasing your physical activity can also result in an elevated sex drive in people.
It was found in a study that there is a close link between physical activity and sexual health.
Women with sexual dysfunctions can also improve their sexual functioning with physical activity.
It is common for youngsters to experience high sex drive during their puberty.
Men can notice increased Testosterone production during their teenage years.
Less stress
During stressful conditions, a hormone called Cortisol is released in the body that plays a role in low sex drive in people.
On the contrary, it can be seen that people with low stress levels and better mental health have high sex drive compared to people with a stressful lifestyle.
How can I lower my high sex drive
You can effectively manage high libido in the following ways:
You can consult a sex therapist and seek guidance on ways to control high sexual desires and fantasies.
Your therapist may provide management techniques to help people with high sex drive.
Open communication
You can communicate with your partner about this and find solutions together.
It can boost your confidence and improve your sex drive naturally.
High libido can be understood as an increased desire to engage in sexual intercourse.
There can be numerous underlying reasons for high libido in people.
It can happen due to hormonal changes that can significantly impact a person’s sex drive.
Further, during puberty, there is an increase in hormonal levels that may also lead to high libido.
Moreover, quality relationships, less stress, physical activity, and strength are also some causes of increased sex drive in people.
Fortunately, it is possible to lower your libido with therapies, and open communication with your partner.
You can also consult a healthcare practitioner to seek medical treatment.
Frequently Asked Questions
What causes high sex drive?
There can be numerous underlying reasons that cause high sex drive in people. It can be caused due to high Testosterone and Estrogen levels in the body in teenagers during puberty. Also, less stress and relationships can cause high libido.
Why is my sex drive getting higher?
Your sex drive may be getting higher due to various reasons, such as less stress and hormonal changes in the body. It can also happen during puberty and because of satisfying relationships. You can consult a therapist to seek counseling for help.
What keeps your sex drive high?
Less stress or good relationships may lead to a high sex drive. It can be caused due to hormonal fluctuations in the body that can impact your overall sexual desire.
You can consult a therapist and seek counseling to lower your sex drive.
Why do I feel like having sex all the time?
You feel like having sex all the time due to a high sex drive. It can be caused due to less stress and hormonal changes in people. Also, a satisfying relationship can impact your sexual desire. You can consult a therapist and seek counseling or medical help for better sexual health.
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