A microscopic parasite called Trichomonas vaginalis causes the STI, Trichomoniasis.

Over 3 million people are affected by Trichomoniasis each year in the US.

Usually linked to genital areas, it can, in some cases, manifest in the throat. 

Though rare, the possibility of Trichomoniasis in throat makes it important for people to be aware of it.

This article delves into the symptoms, treatments, and essential information to help people navigate this often misunderstood aspect of the infection.

Can you get Trichomoniasis in your throat

Yes, it is possible to get Trichomoniasis in the throat. 

Individuals can develop oral Trichomoniasis, which is typically transmitted through unprotected oral sex with an infected partner.

Therefore, testing for Trichomoniasis in the oropharynx is important when a person presents with a sore throat and a history of unprotected oral sex with an infected partner.

The oropharynx is a muscular tube located in the middle of the neck, just below the lower part of the skull and above the esophagus and larynx.

Trichomoniasis in the throat is caused by the same parasite, Trichomonas vaginalis, that causes the infection in the genitals.

The parasite is typically spread through sexual contact, including oral sex.

Trichomoniasis in throat can also be spread through non-sexual contact, such as sharing sex toys that are unwashed or uncovered with a condom with an infected person.

Symptoms of Trichomoniasis in the throat

Sore throat
Woman having irritation in throat

Trichomoniasis symptoms in the throat can vary from person to person. 

Most persons with Trichomoniasis have no symptoms and appear healthy, so they may be unaware they have it. 

When symptoms appear, the most typical is a sore throat. 

The signs of Trich can range from being barely noticeable to painful and irritating. 

Therefore, the symptoms of Trichomoniasis in the throat can include pain and difficulty in swallowing.

It’s common for the symptoms to come and go. 

However, other infections such as Gonorrhea, Chlamydia, Herpes, and Syphilis can mimic the symptoms observed in Trich, so seeing a nurse or doctor is the only way to understand the cause.

The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that the prevalence of trichomoniasis ranges from 170 million to 190 million cases worldwide each year. Although highly prevalent, it is still classified as a non-reportable STI.

How is Trichomoniasis in the throat diagnosed and treated

It is possible to combat throat Tychomoniasis effectively through correct diagnosis and treatment.

Detecting Trichomoniasis in the throat

Diagnosing Trichomoniasis in the throat can be challenging, as many people with the infection do not show any visible symptoms. 

However, if an individual is experiencing symptoms of Trichomoniasis in the throat, it is important to visit a doctor. 

In addition to a physical assessment, a healthcare professional may collect a sample of throat discharge to test for the presence of the parasite.

Trichomoniasis in throat treatment

Trichomoniasis in the throat is typically treated with antibiotics. 

A doctor may prescribe a single dose of antibiotics or a longer course of treatment, depending on the severity of the infection.

It is important to complete the course of medication, even if symptoms improve before the medication is finished.

The antibiotics used to treat Trichomoniasis in the throat typically include Metronidazole. 

Most individuals who take Metronidazole are usually prescribed to take it twice a day for 5 to 7 days.

However, if Metronidazole is unsuitable for a patient due to allergies or other reasons, a specialist may recommend alternative treatments, such as Tinidazole.

To avoid reinfection, it is critical to finish the specified course of medicines and refrain from sex until the infection has cleared up.

Recommended Article
Read ‘ Trichomoniasis Antibiotics: Names, Mechanisms, & Side Effects’ to understand how to treat Trichomoniasis in throat.

Long-term effects of untreated Trichomoniasis in the throat

UTIs in women are considered complicated if they are pregnant
Complication during pregnancy

The complications of untreated Trichomoniasis in the throat are not well-documented, as the infection is relatively rare and typically responds well to treatment.

However, some potential complications and risks associated with untreated Trichomoniasis in the throat may include:

  • Increased risk of other infections: Untreated Trichomoniasis can lead to an increased risk of other STIs, such as HIV
  • Complications during pregnancy: Pregnant women who have Trichomoniasis are more likely to give premature births or have babies with low birth weight
  • Ongoing symptoms: Some individuals may experience long-term symptoms, such as a sore throat, due to lack of treatment
  • Transmission to sexual partners: Untreated Trichomoniasis can lead to the spread of the infection to others, who may also require treatment
Don’t forget to get retested after completing treatment for Trichomoniasis in throat. Within three months, approximately one in every five individuals who receive treatment for Trichomoniasis redevelops the infection.

Prevention of Trichomoniasis in the Throat

Trichomoniasis in the throat can be prevented by practicing safe sex, including using condoms during oral sex.

Cover the penis with a condom or the female genitals with a latex or polyurethane square (a dam) during the entire duration of the sex.

Additionally, avoiding sharing sex toys or ensuring they are properly cleaned and covered with a new condom before anyone else uses them can help prevent the spread of the infection.

Regular STI screenings are also important, especially when sexually active with multiple partners.


Trichomoniasis in the throat is a growing concern, with symptoms primarily including sore throat. 

It can be diagnosed through a physical exam and swab test of throat discharge.

If left untreated, Trichomoniasis can lead to consequences such as an increased chance of obtaining HIV.

Trichomoniasis in throat can be treated with antibiotics, such as Metronidazole. 

Prevention involves safe sex practices, like using condoms during oral sex and regular STI screenings. 

Individuals can effectively treat and prevent the spread of this STI by being aware and proactive.

Consulting a professional is suggested for a better understanding of the risks involved with this infection.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can you get Trichomoniasis of the throat?

Yes, Trichomoniasis can infect the throat, causing Trichomoniasis in the oropharynx. It is an STI caused by the parasite Trichomonas vaginalis. Safe sexual practices can help prevent its transmission. If you suspect an infection, consult a doctor for testing and treatment.

How do you cure Trich in the throat?

Treatment for throat Trichomoniasis typically involves prescribing antibiotics, such as Metronidazole or Tinidazole, by a healthcare professional. It’s crucial to complete the full course of medication as directed to ensure effective eradication of the infection.

Can Trichomoniasis in the throat be transmitted through kissing?

No, Trichomoniasis in the throat cannot be transmitted through kissing. The infection is primarily spread through genital sexual activity without barrier methods, like condoms. It is not passed on through casual contact like kissing, hugging, or sharing food and drinks.

Can Trichomoniasis in the throat cause long-term health problems?

Trichomoniasis in the throat typically doesn’t cause long-term health problems. It can be treated with antibiotics. While there have been rare case reports of Trichomoniasis causing mouth and throat infections, complications from throat Trichomoniasis are rare. However, if symptoms are left untreated, it may lead to complications.

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