Ejaculatory Abstinence: Is Semen Retention Healthy?
Semen retention is a male practice of avoiding ejaculation during sexual intercourse or achieving orgasm without ejaculation.
But are there any benefits of semen retention?
If this question is in your mind and you want to know, “Is semen retention healthy?” this article will help you unfold all the queries in the next few sections.
In ancient philosophy, it was believed that semen retention could improve mental and spiritual health and improve the overall well-being of a man’s life.
However, semen retention is beneficial for a shorter duration of time, and longer abstinence may cause side effects in people.
This article will highlight the benefits and side effects of semen retention and improve the quality of sexual life.
Benefits of semen retention
The benefits of semen retention are still under research and need more evaluation to be concluded.
Semen retention may cause the following benefits to men:
Boost Testosterone levels
According to a study, it was found that semen retention for a shorter duration can increase Testosterone levels in men.
The serum Testosterone level of 28 volunteers was examined, and there was a clear surge of Testosterone appearing on the 7th day of abstinence.
It reached 145.7% of baseline Testosterone levels.
Improves mental health
According to NCBI, loss of semen due to masturbation, nocturnal emission, and frequent sexual intercourse is associated with anxiety, insomnia, and weakness.
On the contrary, it can be assumed that semen retention can reduce stress and anxiety and improve overall mental health.
Motile sperm and improved fertility
According to NCBI, semen retention for a shorter time can significantly decline semen volume and concentration.
However, it can improve sperm motility.
Moreover, semen retention for more than two days is associated with higher rates of pregnancy per cycle than a longer semen retention.
Other benefits of semen retention
Some other benefits of semen retention are as follows:
- Increased sexual energy
- Ability to achieve orgasm without ejaculation
- Improved concentration
- Deeper connections and relationships
- Self-control
- Ejaculatory control
Side effects of semen retention
With numerous benefits, semen retention for a longer period can also lead to side effects in men, such as:
Increased risks of Prostate cancer
Frequent ejaculation can help you flush out the harmful chemicals naturally and ensure the health of the prostate gland.
Thus, it can be assumed that longer semen retention can increase the risk of Prostate cancer in men.
Degradation of sperm quality
Semen retention for a longer time can negatively impact the quality of sperm and may cause degradation of sperm.
After being produced, sperm remains in the testicular ducts for some days, and sperm storage gradually influences their quality.
Longer storage of sperm can reduce sperm motility, making it less capable of conception than the freshly prepared sperm.
Relationship issues
Semen retention may also lead to relationship issues between you and your partner, as maybe your partner wants you to ejaculate, which can cause tension.
It can negatively affect their mental health.
Thus, it is advised to communicate with your partner before making any decision, as it may affect the quality of your sexual life.
Discomfort or pain
Semen retention may also lead to discomfort and pain in men during sexual intercourse.
When you are sexually aroused, more blood flows to the sexual organ and helps you achieve an erection and ejaculate.
However, when you do not ejaculate, blood drains from the testicles slowly and can cause pain due to sexual arousal without orgasm/ejaculation.
Changes in semen consistency
The impact of semen retention on semen parameters is complex and may need more research conclusions.
According to NCBI, semen retention for a longer time can increase semen volume and sperm count.
It may make semen more thick and may also show an impact on the chances of conception.
Semen retention for a short period is healthy and may improve certain aspects of sexual and mental life.
It can boost Testosterone levels, improve mental health, and make sperm more motile.
Further, semen retention can also increase sexual health and improve concentration, self-control, ejaculatory control, and deeper connections and relationships.
However, longer abstinence from ejaculation may lead to some side effects in people. It includes an increased risk of Prostate cancer, affecting sperm quality.
It can also cause discomfort in men and affect their relationship with their partner.
Thus, it is advised to speak to your partner about semen retention to find a solution and improve the quality of your sexual life.
Frequently Asked Questions
What are the benefits of ejaculating every day?
There are many benefits of ejaculating every day. It boosts Testosterone levels and improves mental health and fertility. Further, it can reduce the risk of Prostate cancer, increase sexual health, and improve concentration, self-control, and ejaculatory control.
What are the disadvantages of semen retention?
Semen retention for a longer time may cause some side effects in men. These side effects include increased risk of Prostate cancer, degradation of sperm quality, discomfort or pain. Further, it can also change the consistency of your semen and cause relationship problems with your partner.
What happens if a man goes too long without ejaculating?
Semen retention or ejaculatory abstinence for a longer time can negatively affect your relationship with your partner. It can also increase the risk of developing Prostate cancer and affect your sperm quality, motility, and semen consistency.
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