Bumps in the genital area are not an uncommon occurrence, but a normal-looking pimple can also be a sign of medical issues like Genital Warts. 

According to the CDC, one in every hundred sexually active adults in the US has Genital Warts once. 

What is even more surprising is that HPV, the infection that causes warts, is not always symptomatic.

So, several people with the infection may not even have Genital Warts but can still pass it on to others. 

To keep Genital Warts in check, immediate attention to the slightest signs and symptoms should be the primary focus. 

This article attempts to lay out all possible signs and Genital Warts symptoms to help recognize them, which will aid in timely treatment and prevention. 

What are Genital Warts symptoms

Genital warts
Genital warts written on a paper

From tight clothing causing friction to ingrown hair, several things contribute to genital bumps, which are harmless and go away in a short time.

However, sometimes simple-looking pimples can be Genital Warts. It is most likely to spread from sexual contact.

The first signs of Genital Warts are whitish or skin-colored bumps on or around the genitals. 

They can be so small that they are barely visible and may go unnoticed. 

However, a few of their visible symptoms and related issues that differentiate them from pimples and other genital bumps are:

  • A cluster of a few warts to create a cauliflower-like shape
  • Bleeding during sex
  • Itching, pain, or discomfort in the genital area
  • Burning sensation
  • Skin or some other color swelling on or around genitals
  • Increased dampness in the genitals
Genital Warts can also spread to the lips, throat, mouth, and tongue. This happens through oral sex with an infected person. 

Genital Warts symptoms female

In females, Genital Warts appear on:

  • The cervix or the insides
  • Inside or around the vagina
  • Anus

Besides the other common symptoms, Genital Warts in females can cause unusual vaginal discharge. 

Untreated Genital Warts in females pose the threat of cervical cancer. 

Genital Warts symptoms male

painful erection
Genital warts near penis

In males, Genital Warts appear on:

  • Penis
  • Scrotum
  • Groin area
  • Thighs
  • Inside or around the anus

Men may also have penile discharge in addition to other symptoms, which should be immediately reported to a health care provider. 

Untreated Genital Warts in men can cause urethral blockage

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Genital Warts can often be confused with Genital Herpes. To understand the difference between the two:read Genital Warts vs Herpes: What is The Difference?

When do Genital Warts symptoms appear

Genital Warts do not appear at a particular time after infection. 

One can develop Genital Warts in a week after acquiring HPV infection. 

However, some people can observe Genital Warts months or years after getting the infection, which makes it hard to figure out who passed on the infection. 

It also poses a challenge because the person who passed on the infection may not have Genital Warts or other symptoms and continue to pass on the infection to others. 

This also indicates that it is not necessary for an infected person to develop Genital Warts or other symptoms if infected with HPV. 

Sometimes, Genital Warts can appear again (recurring Genital Warts) months or years after they first disappeared or were treated. 

How long does Genital Warts last?

Genital Warts and HPV infections go away in 18-24 months for 80 percent of people. 

However, this may not always be the case, as there is no cure for HPV. 

So, Genital Warts can come back even after completely disappearing, making it a lifelong issue sometimes. 

It is best to consult a medical expert for a treatment and removal procedure that suits the needs. 

During pregnancy, HPV can pass to the fetus, causing Recurrent Respiratory Papillomatosis, which causes warts-like tumors inside the airway of the baby. Consulting a doctor to avoid such complications is advised. 

Risk Factors

Several factors make one more prone to contracting Genital Warts. 

Some of them are:

  • Not getting the HPV vaccine
  • Having unprotected sex (intercourse without a condom) 
  • Sexual relationships with more than one partner
  • Having other Sexually Transmitted Infections
  • Having sex with a partner with an unknown sexual history
  • Becoming sexually active at a young age
  • Having a weakened immune system from medical issues like HIV or medicines given after an organ transplant


Genital Warts are bumps in the genital area caused by HPV. 

They are whitish or skin-colored bumps that can cause symptoms like itching, burning, bleeding during sex, and discharge. 

There is no particular time for Genital Warts to appear after infection. It can take from a few days to even years to show up. 

Genital Warts can take about 24 months to clear up along with the HPV infection, but this is not assured since they can recur. 

A medical expert can best advise the treatment and removal methods. Alongside, one must avoid indulging in risky sexual habits and also get the HPV vaccine to ward off the risk. 

With regular checkups, timely diagnosis, and the right care, Genital Warts can be effectively managed to avoid complications and enjoy a healthy, comfortable life. 

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