AIDS Lesions: The Prevalence of AIDS-Induced Skin Conditions
Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS) can impact the immune system’s overall ability to fight against infection-causing pathogens.
It may cause various pathogens to infect an individual at one time.
The skin lesions are often an indication of such infections.
These lesions may differ depending on the severity of the condition. Thus, they may need urgent medical attention.
Thus, learning about various skin lesions in people with AIDS is crucial for their treatment and for ensuring a faster recovery.
This comprehensive article will elaborate on the various AIDS lesions and ways to manage them with effective medications.
How various AIDS skin lesions look like
AIDS lesions may differ in color and appearance.
The various AIDS skin lesions in infected people are as follows:
Molluscum Contagiosum
It is a highly contagious infection and may spread from one person to another through close skin-to-skin contact.
The lesions are called Mollusca and may cause bumps on the skin, including the face, neck, arms, legs, and abdomen.
These lesions can be managed with prescribed Imiquimod creams that help in boosting the immune system.
Prurigo Nodularis
Prurigo Nodularis is a condition in people with extremely poor immune systems, such as in AIDS patients.
It causes lumps on the skin that are often itchy.
Fortunately, some topical steroid treatments and antiretroviral drugs are used for treating this skin condition.
HIV-related Herpes virus
If red-colored blisters or sores appear on the mouth or genital area, it may be an indication of HIV-related Herpes.
The outbreak of sores can be treated effectively with prescription-based medications.
Kaposi Sarcoma Cancer
Kaposi Sarcoma is a cancer in the lining of the blood vessels or lymph vessels.
It can cause dark-colored lesions on the skin of an infected person and may appear as purple, brown, or red patches.
These lesions can also affect other body organs, such as the lungs, and cause health problems.
In people with AIDS, Human Papillomavirus can cause infection and lead to warts formation.
Warts are rough skin-colored, and cauliflower-like bumps form on the skin. These bumps are susceptible to bleeding when scratched and may cause infection.
A healthcare practitioner may prescribe medications to burn the warts or recommend a surgical treatment like freezing warts.
Oral Candidiasis, also called Thrush, is a fungal infection that affects the inner side of the mouth and tongue.
It forms a thick layer of white color on the tongue.
Fortunately, it is easy to manage the symptoms with some prescribed anti-fungal medications.
Oral hairy Leukoplakia
This type of viral infection forms thick white hair-like lesions on the tongue.
These are common in people with extremely weak immune systems.
Oral hairy Leukoplakia does not need a specific medication.
Rather, it can be effectively treated with antiretroviral medications that improve the immune system.
Photodermatitis is a skin condition in which the skin turns darker on exposure to sunlight.
Though it is a natural phenomenon in most people, however, in people with HIV, it is called Photodermatitis.
In this condition, you should take some measures to protect your skin from direct sunlight.
Also, people taking medications to improve their immune system may have this condition as a side effect.
Therefore, it is important to consult a healthcare practitioner and seek medical treatment.
Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS) can weaken the immune system and affect the body’s ability to fight against infection-causing pathogens.
Thus, many body becomes prone to numerous infections, and some may cause AIDS lesions.
One of the examples of such lesions on the skin is Molluscum Contagiosum, which may cause an outbreak of bumps on the skin.
HIV-related Herpes can also form red-colored sores on the mouth and genital region.
Further, Kaposi Sarcoma can also lead to dark-colored lesions on the skin of an infected person.
Moreover, Thrush, Oral Hairy Leukoplakia, Photodermatitis, Prurigo Nodularis, and Warts are some other lesions formed in people infected with HIV.
Thus, it is necessary to consult a healthcare practitioner and seek prompt medical attention and treatment to avoid severe complications.
Frequently Asked Questions
What do lesions from AIDS look like?
AIDS does not cause lesions. However, it weakens the immune system and causes infections to cause lesions on the skin. The lesions from AIDS may look like white, red, or dark-colored bumps, sores, or blisters on the skin. HIV-related Herpes may lead to red-colored sores.
What are lesions from AIDS?
A weak immune system may cause numerous types of lesions due to a weak immune system. Some lesions from AIDS are Molluscum Contagiosum, Oral Hairy Leukoplakia, Photodermatitis, and Prurigo Nodularis. AIDS may also cause lesions in people with Kaposi Sarcoma and HIV-related Herpes.
What causes AIDS lesions?
A weak immune system causes AIDS lesions in infected people. These kinds of lesions may differ in appearance and symptoms depending on the severity of the condition. Thus, it is necessary to consult a healthcare practitioner and seek medical treatment.
How do you manage lesions caused by AIDS?
The management of lesions may differ depending on the severity of the condition. Some lesions can be managed with antiretroviral drugs, which are prescribed to people with AIDS. However, other topical steroid drugs may be prescribed to manage other skin conditions.
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