Damaged Hair: Understand the Causes & Fixtures

Harman Kaur
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Dr. Kaushal

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Dr. Akansha is a licensed Clinical Pharmacologist. She possesses remarkable knowledge in Pharmacovigilance, prescription analysis, drug information, and drug safety services. Additionally, she is a keen learner and an educator.

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Damaged hair

Damaged hair is a common and often frustrating issue that many people experience. 

It occurs when the hair shaft, composed of a keratin protein, becomes weakened and compromised. 

Damaged hair can manifest in various forms, such as split ends, frizz, dullness, brittleness, and breakage. 

According to a new survey of U.S. women, 91% of people do something to damage their hair daily. 

Several factors can contribute to hair damage, including excessive heat styling, chemical treatments, environmental factors, poor hair care practices, and genetic predisposition. 

Damaged hair looks unhealthy and can affect one’s self-esteem and confidence. 

Read the article to understand the causes and measures for fixing damaged hair. 

What does damaged hair look like

DrynessSource: Puhhha_from_Getty_Images
Dry hair

Damaged hair can have various appearances depending on the type and severity of the damage. 

Some common signs of damaged hair include:

  • Dryness and rough texture: Damaged hair may feel dry, brittle, and rough. It may lack luster and shine and be prone to tangling and breakage.
  • Faded color: If your hair is colored, damage can cause the color to fade or become uneven, resulting in a dull or lackluster appearance.
  • Frizz and flyaways: Damaged hair may be more prone to frizz and flyaways, with the hair appearing unruly and difficult to manage.
  • Elasticity loss: Healthy hair has a certain degree of elasticity, meaning it can stretch and return to its original state. Damaged hair may have reduced elasticity, making it more susceptible to breakage when stretched or pulled.
  • Dullness and lack of vitality: Damaged hair may appear lifeless, lack natural shine and vibrancy, and look dull and flat.

Causes of hair damage

In our pursuit of achieving gorgeous hair, we often engage in practices that can harm our hair health

Unfortunately, damaged hair is more prone to breakage, resulting in frizzy and lackluster hair. 

Several factors can cause hair damage, including:

Heat styling

Frequently using heat-styling tools like flat irons, curling irons, and hair dryers can damage the hair cuticle, leading to dryness, brittleness, and breakage.

Chemical treatments

new hair growth or breakageSource: pixelshot
Colored Hair

Chemical processes such as hair coloring, perming, and relaxing can weaken the hair shaft. 

Moreover, strip it of its natural moisture, making it more prone to damage.

Poor hair care practices

Rough towel drying, aggressive brushing or combing, and tight hairstyles like braids, ponytails, or buns can cause hair to become a weak, break, or even fall out.

Environmental factors

Exposure to harsh environmental conditions such as sunlight, wind, and pollution can cause hair damage. 

UV radiation from the sun can weaken the hair shaft, leading to dryness and breakage.

Environmental pollutants can accumulate on the hair, making it dull, brittle, and prone to damage.

Overwashing or using harsh hair products

Frequent washing with harsh shampoos, and conditioners, can strip the hair of its natural oils, leading to dryness, brittleness, and breakage.

Medical conditions

Certain conditions like hormonal imbalances, scalp conditions, and other health issues can affect the hair’s health, leading to damage.

Overexposure to chlorine or saltwater

Regular exposure to chlorinated or saltwater, such as in swimming pools or during beach vacations, can strip the hair of its natural oils and cause damage.

How to fix damaged hair

Repairing damaged hair requires a multi-faceted approach involving external and internal care. 

Here are some ways through which you can fix damaged hair:

Trim regularly

Regular trims are essential for removing split ends and preventing them from traveling up the hair shaft, causing further damage. 

Try to get a haircut every 6-8 weeks.

Avoid heat styling

Say no to heat-styling tools like straighteners, curling irons, and hair dryersSource: Syda_Productions
Say no to heat styling tool

Excessive use of heat-styling tools like flat irons, curling irons, and blow dryers can cause hair to dry and brittle. 

Minimize heat styling or use heat protectant products before styling to reduce damage.

Use gentle hair care product

Choose shampoos and conditioners specifically formulated for damaged or dry hair. 

Look for sulfate-free products with nourishing ingredients like keratin, argan oil, or shea butter.

Quick Checkout:
You can use Walnut Bark Shampoo, available at WowRxPharmacy, to restore damaged hair. Note that this shampoo is suitable for both men and women.

Deep condition regularly

Treat your hair to deep conditioning treatments at least once a week. It replenishes moisture, repair damage, and improve hair elasticity. 

You can make your DIY hair masks using natural ingredients like avocado, coconut oil, or honey.

Be gentle when detangling

Avoid aggressive brushing or combing, especially when hair is wet, as it can cause breakage.

Use a wide-toothed comb or a detangling brush and start from the ends, working your way up to minimize pulling and tugging.

Protect from environmental damage

Wear a hat or protective sprays when necessary to shield your hair from harsh environmental factors such as UV rays, pollution, and chlorine.

Eat a healthy diet

nutritional-dietSource: thesomegirl_from_Getty_Images_Pro
Healthy diet

A well-balanced diet is rich in vitamins, minerals, and protein is crucial for healthy hair growth. 

It includes foods like fish, eggs, nuts, fruits, and vegetables to nourish your hair from within.

Limit chemical treatments

Chemical treatments like coloring, perming, and relaxing can cause significant damage to the hair shaft. 

Try to limit or avoid these treatments as much as possible, or consult a professional stylist for safer options.

Avoid tight hairstyles

Avoid tight hairstyles that pull on the hair shaft, such as tight ponytails or buns, as they can cause breakage and hair loss over time.

Get professional help

If your hair is severely damaged, consult a professional stylist who can provide personalized recommendations and treatments. 

These include protein treatments, keratin treatments, or hair masks with advanced repairing ingredients.

These are a few techniques on how to repair damaged hair

Important Fact:
Consistent care and healthy lifestyle habits can help restore and maintain healthy, vibrant hair over time.


Damaged hair can result from a variety of factors.

These include chemical treatment, heat styling, poor hair care practices, environmental factors, nutrition, and genetics. 

It’s essential to be mindful of these factors and take steps to protect and care for our hair to maintain its health and prevent damage. 

Using gentle hair care practices, avoiding harsh chemicals, and protecting the hair from environmental damage, can all contribute to maintaining healthy, beautiful hair.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can damaged hair be repaired? 

Yes, damaged hair can be repaired to some extent with proper care and attention. However, severe damage may require professional treatment, and the best results may vary depending on the extent of the damage.

How can I tell if my hair is damaged?

Signs of damaged hair include split ends, dryness, frizz, dullness, lack of elasticity, and excessive hair loss. Hair may feel rough or brittle to the touch and may be prone to breakage. Damaged hair may also have a lack of shine and manageability and may need to hold styles better.

What are the 4 types of damaged hair?

The four types of damaged hair are split ends, dry and brittle hair, over-processed hair, and heat-damaged hair. 

Should damaged hair be cut off?

Trimming or cutting off damaged hair, especially split ends, is recommended to prevent further damage. Regular trims every 6-8 weeks can help to remove split ends.

How long does it take to fix damaged hair?

Using nourishing hair care products can accelerate the process. Still, it may take around six months to a year to see significant improvements in the condition. The timeline for hair repair can vary depending on the severity of the damage. 

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What Does Damaged Hair Look Like?

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