Dry eyes are a common condition that occurs when the eyes are unable to produce enough tears or when the quality of tears is poor. 

Tears are essential for nourishing and lubricating the eyes.

They help to protect the eyes from infection. 

When tears are not produced sufficiently, the eyes become dry, irritated, and uncomfortable.

As a result, your vision may become blurry. 

Dry eyes can affect people of all ages, but it is most common in older adults.

According to the National Health and Wellness Survey, nearly 17 million of the adult US population have been diagnosed with Dry Eye Disease (DED). 

People who use computers or digital devices for extended periods are more prone to develop dry eyes. 

Continue reading to get in-depth insights on dry eyes. 

What is Dry Eye Syndrome?

Dry eye syndrome is a common eye condition that occurs when there is a lack of moisture on the eye’s surface. 

Various factors, such as aging, environmental factors, certain medications, and underlying medical conditions, can cause it. 

Symptoms can include eye redness, irritation, discomfort, blurred vision, etc. 

Treatment options include artificial tears, prescription eye drops, etc., to reduce the factors contributing to dry eye syndrome.


A man showing symptoms of dry eyes that is red and irritated
Man suffering from dry eyes

The symptoms of dry eyes differ from person to person.

Like other health problems, your chances of getting it to increase as you age.

You could have a range of symptoms.

Some of them are listed below. 


Dry eyes can make your eyes look red or bloodshot.

When you blink, a film of tears forms on the outer layer of your eye.

The layer of tears that stretches across your cornea is known as the “tear film.”

This film guards your eyes against germs and irritants.

It also helps to keep your eyes moisturized.

Nevertheless, dry eyes may cause reduced tear production.

If your eyes aren’t adequately moistened, repeated blinking might irritate the cornea by brushing against it.

This causes the blood vessels in the Sclera (white part of the eye) to become hyperactive.

As a result, it may appear red and bloated.

In some circumstances, Meibomian Gland Dysfunction (MGD) may cause dry eye redness. 

Meibomian Glands are microscopic oil glands on the eyelids that produce oil to protect the tear film.

Immediately consult a doctor as the dry eye condition may worsen and lead to inflammation.

Difficulty blinking

Dry eye syndrome may prevent you from producing enough oil and tears.

These are the necessities for safeguarding your tear film.

When you blink, your eyelids need a smooth surface to glide across.

If not properly lubricated, dry eyes can cause friction and make it difficult to blink.

Stinging or burning

If your eyes are not producing enough oil or tears, they may sting or burn.

Blinking is a necessary function of the eyelids.

This aids in producing the oil required to protect the tear film.

The oil provides lubrication, and without it, your eyes may sting.

Dry eye problems can make it difficult for the eyes to produce tears.

If tiny tears are present, your cornea may get dry and cause you to experience a burning sensation.

Scratchy eyes

Your eyes may feel gritty, scratchy, or sandy if not moisturized.

You may feel as though something is always bothering your eyes.

This feeling or condition is called a foreign body sensation.

The tear film generally tries to form a layer of protection between the eyeball and the eyelid.

You may acquire dry spots on your tear film if you have dry eyes.

This is one of the dry eye symptoms that can irritate your eyes.

However, with the right care and maintenance, these spots will fade away, and the eyes will return to normal.

Blurry vision

Blurry vision
Blurry vision

When you have dry eyes, your tear film may dry, and your vision may become fuzzy.

Once your tear film has been lubricated, your vision will appear normal.

The first layer of the eye to see the light is the tear film.

Your vision may become impaired if the tear film becomes dry.

Blurry vision is one of the most prevalent dry eye symptoms that may persist for a short time and then disappear.

Doctors might recommend artificial tears to restore the tear film.

Artificial tears are a type of eye drop that is used to moisten the eyes.

You will observe that your vision improves as the tear film gets better.

Watery eyes

Researchers have speculated that watery eyes could be caused by evaporative dry eye syndrome.

Although it may appear contradicting, wet eyes may be one of the dry eye symptoms.

Some people may lose the ability to cry, while others may develop too many tears.

This syndrome occurs when your eyes are unable to generate adequate tears.

Tears should have a balanced mixture of mucus, oil, and water to protect your eyes.

If your meibomian glands do not function properly, you will most likely not have enough oil in your eyes to cover the tear film.


There could be several reasons behind the formation of dry eyes. 

A few of those are mentioned below.


Aging is a normal process that causes changes to one’s vision.

One such change is a decrease in the production of natural tears.

Individuals over the age of 65 may have eye dryness.

This impacts their sensitivity to light and their ability to drive at night.

Sjogren syndrome 

It is a chronic autoimmune disease.

This syndrome affects the body’s ability to create moisture, particularly in the salivary glands and the eyes.

Additional medical problems contributing to dry eyes include Sarcoidosis, Lupus, Rheumatoid arthritis, Scleroderma, and thyroid disorders.

Hormonal changes

Women are more likely to have Dry Eye Disease (DED) and chronic dry eyes.

Hormonal changes in women cause DED after menopause or pregnancy.

This occurs when women use hormone-suppressing medications or birth control tablets.

Contraceptive medications cause hormonal imbalance in women, affecting the great glands.


According to one study, patients taking multiple medications had severe dry eye illnesses.

They called it “poly-pharmacy.”

When you use more than one drug at a time and discover that prescription medications are not the sole offenders, this is called poly-pharmacy.

Even supplements and natural therapies carry risks to individuals who use them for an extended period.

The study also discovered that drugs that cause dry mouth are likely to cause dry eyes.

History of refractive surgery

Refractive or artificial lens surgery can be performed with or without a natural lens.

Individuals who receive refractive surgery or LASIK are more likely to experience dry eyes.

Even after surgery, 60% of LASIK patients experience dry eyes.

The symptoms improve the most over the first year post-surgery.


Dry eyes from allergies could be a side effect of oral antihistamine use.

In general, these drugs diminish natural tear production.

Furthermore, allergic conjunctivitis can cause the body to generate excessive tears.

Swelling and irritation of the eye tissue are medically referred to as conjunctivitis.

Meibomian Gland Dysfunction (MGD)

Meibomian glands are little oil glands found on the outer corners of the eyelids.

They secrete oil, which covers the eye’s surface and prevents natural tears from evaporating.

These glands’ oil and water combine to form a layer known as a tear film.

This film is disrupted when the glands become clogged or irritated.

As a result, you may face blurred vision and dry eyes.


The condition of chronic dry eye can be treated with several different surgeries and drugs.

Some therapies aim to manage or reverse the problem causing your dry eyes.

In some situations, dry eyes can be caused by an external source or an underlying ailment.

Thus, see your doctor and determine the best treatment option based on the severity of your disease.

There are several treatment procedures available for dry eyes. 

A few of those are mentioned here.

Over-the-counter (OTC) drugs

a pharmacist recommending medications for swollen eye
OTC recommended by a pharmacist to a patient

OTC eye drops are one of the most popular methods of treating dry eyes.

These over-the-counter (OTC) medications are also known as artificial tears.

Preservative-based eye drops have an extended shelf life.

Non-prescription dry eye medicine, on the other hand, comes in various disposable vials.

These drugs are used once and then discarded.

Artificial tears like Eyemist E/D 10 ml lubricate the eyes.

You can use these artificial tears if you experience significant dry eye symptoms, but you should do it multiple times daily.

Doctors may recommend ointments, although they have the propensity to blur vision.

As a result, it is advised to apply these ointments before going to bed.

Use caution when taking dry eye treatments that promise to lessen the redness.

They may irritate your eyes by restricting blood vessels.

Prescription medications

Your doctor may recommend taking your medicine orally or as eye drops.

Most medications help to reduce inflammation in your eyelids.

If your eyelids are puffy, they prevent oil and tears from mingling.

Tears evaporate too quickly in the absence of oil.

Some medications could promote oil production in the glands surrounding the eyes.

Anti-inflammatory antibiotics may be prescribed if your dry eye is caused by inflammation.

One such antibiotic is cyclosporine.

It is also used to treat Psoriasis and Rheumatoid arthritis patients.

This medication weakens the immune system.

As a result, the body is prevented from injuring itself.

Another prescription drug is Lifitegrast (Xiidra).

It has been expressly approved and comes with high recommendations as a treatment for persistent dry eyes.

Depending on the cause of your disease, your doctor may also prescribe these eye drops.

Sl. No.  Prescribed Eye Drops Approx. Cost
1Natamet 0.05$5.93
2Careprost 3 ml. of 0.03%$18.41
3Xalatan Eye Drops of 0.005% (2.5 ml)$27.20

Eye inserts

When over-the-counter tear drops do not work, eye implants are an option.

These little, translucent pharmaceutical tubes resemble rice grains.

They are used in the same way as contacts.

The inserts are placed between the lower eyelid and the eyeball.

These inserts are administered throughout the day.

This keeps your eyes moist.

Before using these eye implants, see your doctor.

Blinking is a natural mechanism that helps to lubricate and protect the eyes. 

When we blink, it spreads tears across the surface of the eyes.

As a result, the surface remains moist, reducing the risk of dryness and irritation. 

People with dry eye syndrome should take regular breaks from tasks that require sustained visual focus.

This will help alleviate symptoms. 

The process benefits those who spend much time looking at computer screens or other digital devices.

Remove eye makeup

Eye makeup products such as mascara and eyeliner can cause irritation and blockage of the meibomian glands in the eyelids.

These glands are responsible for developing the oil layer of the tear film. 

When these glands are blocked, it can lead to dry eye syndrome. 

Removing eye makeup thoroughly before sleeping can help to prevent blockages and reduce the risk of dry eyes. 

Doctors recommend using a gentle makeup remover that does not contain harsh chemicals.

You should also avoid rubbing or pulling at the eyelids, which can further irritate the eyes.


Nulids are medical devices that use gentle vibrations to massage and unclog the meibomian glands. 

By restoring the flow of oil to the tear film, Nulids can help to alleviate symptoms of dry eye syndrome. 

It is a safe and effective treatment option that can be used at home.


using computer glasses
Using computer glasses

Glasses can help to treat dry eyes by providing a barrier that shields the eyes from environmental irritants such as wind and dust. 

Glasses with wraparound frames can be particularly effective in blocking out irritants. 

Additionally, glasses with lenses that have an anti-reflective coating can reduce glare.

As a result, it reduces eye strain and discomfort for people with dry eye syndrome.

Add a humidifier

A humidifier can be an effective way to treat dry eyes by increasing the moisture in the air. 

Dry air can cause the tears on the eye’s surface to evaporate more quickly.

As a result, the eyes lead to dryness and discomfort. 

A humidifier can put moisture in the air, which can help prevent the eyes from drying out. 

It is crucial to maintain a consistent level of humidity in the room.

This way, you can prevent mold growth, which can also cause eye irritation.

Preservative-free antihistamine eye drops

Preservative-free antihistamine eye drops can be a helpful treatment option for people with dry eyes caused by allergies. 

These drops contain antihistamines, a chemical that causes inflammation and allergic reactions. 

By reducing inflammation, these drops can help to alleviate symptoms of dry eye syndrome.

These include redness, itching, and watering. 

Preservative-free formulations are preferred as some people may be sensitive to preservatives.

Continuous use of preservatives can cause further irritation. 

However, it is fundamental to consult with a doctor or eye specialist before using any eye drops.

They can help if you develop side effects or have to interact with other medications.

Contact lenses

Contact lenses can be used to treat dry eyes.

They act as a barrier that helps to trap moisture and prevent the evaporation of tears. 

Some contact lenses are designed specifically for people with dry eyes.

Those lenses are made from more comfortable materials and retain moisture better than traditional lenses. 

It is necessary to consult an eye doctor before using contact lenses as they may not suit everyone.

Reduce cigarette smoking

Reducing cigarette smoking can help to treat dry eyes.

Smoking can worsen symptoms and irritate the eyes. 

It can also contribute to other health conditions that may increase the risk of dry eyes.

These include medical conditions like Diabetes and High Blood Pressure. 

Quitting smoking can lead to improved overall health and a reduction in dry eye symptoms.

Diet and supplements for dry eye treatment

Nutritionists across the globe ask people to maintain a good diet with adequate supplementation. 

Eating healthy will ensure your eyes get the most valuable vitamins and minerals.

To protect your vision, you have to improve overall eye health. 

We have discussed the best diet and supplements to aid dry eye treatment here.


Stay hydrated
Water to Stay Hydrated

Water can treat dry eyes by hydrating the body and increasing tear production. 

Staying hydrated throughout the day is vital by drinking plenty of water or other fluids. 

Splashing cool water on the face and eyes can also help to soothe irritation and provide temporary relief. 

However, it is essential to note that water should not be used as an alternative for eye drops or other medical treatments for dry eye syndrome. 

Additionally, contaminated water can cause further eye irritation or infection.

So, make sure to use water from a reliable source. 

Omega-3 fatty acids

Omega-3 fatty acids are a type of polyunsaturated fat that is essential for maintaining healthy eyes. 

These fats play a vital role in the tear film composition.

It is necessary to keep the eyes lubricated and moist. 

Consuming foods rich in Omega-3 fatty acids can help reduce inflammation in the body and increase tear production. 

Some good sources of Omega-3 are fatty fish, nuts, and seeds.

Alternatively, Omega-3 supplements can be taken to ensure overall sound health. 

However, consulting with a healthcare provider before taking supplements is important.

This way, you can ensure safety and avoid interactions with other medications.

Vitamin D supplementation

Vitamin D can help treat dry eyes by reducing inflammation in the body and promoting the production of healthy tears. 

Studies have shown that people with low vitamin D levels may be more likely to experience dry eye symptoms. 

Food sources rich in vitamin D or supplements can help improve overall eye health.

Vitamin A

Vitamin A can treat dry eyes by maintaining the integrity of the cornea and promoting the production of healthy tears. 

The deficiency of Vitamin A is a common cause of dry eye syndrome.

Consuming foods rich in vitamin A, such as carrots and spinach, can help improve eye health. 

However, consulting with a healthcare provider before taking supplements is important.

You can avoid potential side effects or interactions with other medications.


Zinc can help treat dry eyes by supporting the production of healthy tears and reducing inflammation in the body. 

Food sources rich in zinc, such as oysters, beef, and nuts, can help improve overall eye health. 

However, consulting with a healthcare provider before taking supplements is important.

They will ensure safety and help you avoid interactions with other medications.

Lutein and Zeaxanthin

Lutein and zeaxanthin are carotenoids in high concentrations in the eye’s macula.

Macula helps protect against damage from blue light and oxidative stress. 

These compounds have also been shown to improve tear production and reduce inflammation.

This makes them a helpful treatment option for dry eye syndrome. 

Consuming foods rich in Lutein and Zeaxanthin can help improve overall eye health. 

Some good sources of Lutein and Zeaxanthin are leafy green vegetables, eggs, and citrus fruits.

Alternatively, Lutein and Zeaxanthin can be taken to ensure adequate supplementation.

However, consulting with a healthcare provider before taking supplements is important.

This way, you can avoid potential side effects or interactions with other medications.

What is ICD 10 code for dry eyes?

The ICD-10 code for dry eyes is H04.12.

It falls under the category of Diseases of the Lacrimal System and Orbit. 

This code is used to document a diagnosis of dry eye syndrome.

It is characterized by insufficient or poor-quality tears that can cause discomfort, redness, and irritation of the eyes. 

The H04.12 code includes both mild and severe cases of dry eyes.

They are even caused by underlying medical conditions or environmental factors. 

This code is vital for proper documentation and billing purposes and for tracking the prevalence and treatment of dry eye syndrome.

When to see a doctor?

It is recommended to see a doctor for dry eyes if symptoms persist or worsen despite self-care measures.

Additionally, if the symptoms are affecting daily activities or causing significant discomfort, it is crucial to seek medical attention. 

People with underlying medical conditions, such as autoimmune diseases or diabetes, should consult a doctor. 

Seeing a doctor can perform a comprehensive eye exam.

They will even provide appropriate treatment options to manage dry eye syndrome.


Dry eye syndrome is a common eye condition affecting millions worldwide. 

Various factor