The Dark Side of Screen: Understanding Computer Vision Syndrome

Sourav Gupta
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Computer Vision Syndrome

In this digital age, most of us spend significant time staring at screens, whether on a computer, tablet, or smartphone. 

Technology has made our lives easier. 

It has also brought along a new set of health concerns, one of which is Computer Vision Syndrome (CVS). 

CVS is a condition that affects individuals who spend extended periods in front of digital screens.

It leads to various symptoms, such as eye strain, dry eyes, headaches, and blurred vision. 

These symptoms affect our productivity and can have long-term consequences on our vision. 

As per a clinical study of 151 patients, 64.4% reported experiencing at least one symptom of CVS.

The symptoms faced by them include fatigue, headache, and eye strain.

This article will explore the causes and symptoms of Computer Vision Syndrome and prevention tips.

The human eye can differ between 10 million different colors thanks to specialized cells called cones.


Symptoms of CVS are the name given to specific eye problems, which may be caused due to extended use of digital screens.

The symptoms of computer vision syndrome you can face are as follows:

Double vision

Diplopia is also referred to as double vision. 

It is a medical condition in which a person sees two images of a single object.

It can arise from abnormalities in the functioning of the eyes or the brain.

You can relieve this by doing simpler house remedies and exercises.

Blurry vision

A loss in the sharpness of your eyes’ image can cause blurry vision.

It may cause objects to appear blurry and cloudy. 

By using the right focal-length eyeglasses, blurry vision can be treated.

This can help in the precise imaging of retinal objects.

Eye strain

Spending a lot of time staring at a screen can tire your eyes. 

It’s not a big problem, but it can be irritating. 

Taking breaks from the computer can help your eyes feel better quickly. 

To keep your eyes healthy, try not to do tasks that require a lot of eye strain for too long.

women with dry eyes
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Dry eye

When your eyes do not get enough moisture from tears, it can cause discomfort.

Staring at a digital screen for too long without blinking can worsen this. 

To avoid this, try to blink frequently while using the computer.

Blinking helps to keep your eyes moist by triggering the production of tears from the tear glands.


Looking at screens for a long time can cause headaches, also known as migraines. 

This pain typically happens on one side of the head and can be severe. 

Migraines are a common symptom of computer vision syndrome.

Eye redness

When your eyes are dry, they can turn red.

Blinking helps to keep your eyes moist, but when you look at screens for a long time, your tears can dry up. 

Studies show that people blink 66% less when using a computer, making their eyes dry and red.

Eye tearing

Decreased corneal sensitivity can contribute to reduced tear production, leading to dry eyes.

Washing your eyes can help minimize excessive tearing caused by digital eye strain.

It can further help prevent computer vision syndrome.

eye tearingSource: Lolostock
Eye tearing

Neck and shoulder pain

You may get neck and shoulder pain if you use a computer or phone for a long time. 

This happens because you might not be sitting or holding the device properly.

Consult your doctor in case you face any such symptoms. Untreated conditions can lead to severe vision problems.

What causes CVS

Computer vision syndrome can be caused by several factors, which are as follows:

  • Prolonged screen time: Looking at a screen for long periods can cause digital strain.
  • Poor lighting: Improper lighting can cause eye fatigue and make it harder to see the screen.
  • Glare: Glare on the screen from windows or lights can create eye strain and cause CVS.
  • Incorrect viewing distances: Viewing the screen at the wrong distance can strain your eyes.
  • Poor posture: Holding your body in an uncomfortable position while looking at a screen can cause neck, shoulder, and back pain.
  • Uncorrected vision problems: Not wearing the correct glasses or contact lenses can cause eye strain and cause Computer Vision Syndrome.
  • Lack of breaks/rest periods: Not taking enough breaks or resting your eyes can cause eye fatigue.
  • Dry eyes: Staring at a screen can decrease your blink rate, which can cause dry eyes and cause CVS.
  • Blue light emitted by screens: Blue light from screens can disrupt your sleep patterns and cause eye strain, leading to CVS.
  • High screen brightness and contrast: High brightness and contrast levels can cause eye strain and make it harder to see the screen.

Treatment and relief options

Computer vision syndrome (CVS) is a condition that results from prolonged use of a computer or digital device.

It can cause symptoms such as eye strain, blurred vision, headaches, and neck pain. 

Here are some ways to treat Computer Vision Syndrome:

Regular breaks

You can try the 20-20-20 rule and have relief from the strain.

Take frequent breaks and give rest your eyes every 20 minutes.

Look away from the computer screen for a minimum of 20 seconds after every 20 minutes.

Adjust computer settings

Adjust the brightness of your computer to the comfort of your eye.

Match the brightness of your computer to the surrounding brightness.

Also, you can adjust your computer screen’s contrast and font size to reduce eye strain.

Use proper lighting

Make sure your workspace is well-lit according to the environment to reduce eye strain. 

Avoid using the computer in a dark room or direct sunlight.

Dry eyes relief

Getting relief from dry eyes can help in getting relief from eye strain.

Some artificial tears may be used to get relief from dry eyes and eye pain.

Your doctor may recommend artificial tears like Eyemist to relieve dry eyes.

women using eye dropsSource: eternalcreative_from_Getty_Images
Eye drops
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Practice good posture

Maintain a comfortable and ergonomic posture while using the computer.

Try keeping your feet flat on the ground and your back and neck straight.

Also, you can adjust the height of your screen to be in front of your eyes.

By doing so, you do not have to bend your neck, and you will get relief from neck pain.

Regular eye checkups

Getting regular eye checkups with your doctor is important to detect potential vision problems early on. 

During an eye exam, a doctor may be able to identify other health concerns, such as Computer Vision Syndrome.

If you experience any symptoms of digital strain, consult an eye specialist for a proper diagnosis.

Eye doctorSource: RossHelen
Eye doctor with patient

Wearing computer glasses

Individuals who spend much time working on computers should consider using computer glasses.

Computer glasses with an anti-reflective coating customized for their needs can work better. 

Computer glasses are particularly beneficial for those who wear progressive or bifocal lenses.

It’s worth noting that these lenses are not designed for long-distance viewing.

These glasses are best suited for use when working on a computer screen.

You can read Relief for Tired Eyes: Effective Computer Vision Syndrome Treatments to learn more about treatment and eye exercises.


Only an eye specialist can diagnose computer vision syndrome through a comprehensive examination. 

It may include specific tests to assess visual functions and related symptoms. 

This is crucial because other health conditions may also cause similar symptoms. 

Once diagnosed, the doctor can identify the cause of the symptoms and provide suitable treatment. 

So, seeking proper medical attention is necessary to address Computer Vision Syndrome and ensure appropriate eye health.


Computer Vision Syndrome can cause discomfort and affect productivity

Yet, taking breaks and optimizing screen settings can help manage symptoms. 

It is also important to practice good eye hygiene. Seek professional medical attention from an eye specialist when necessary.

By prioritizing eye health and taking preventative measures, individuals can reduce the impact of CVS. 

They can also maintain healthy vision in the long run.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is digital eye strain permanent?

No, Computer Vision Syndrome is not permanent. The symptoms should go away after you stop looking at digital screens. The severity of the digital eye strain depends on how much time you spend on screens.

How long does Computer Vision Syndrome last?

The duration of Computer Vision Syndrome symptoms varies based on severity and individual factors. But they can last from a few hours to several days. Taking breaks and adjusting device settings can alleviate symptoms.

Is Computer Vision Syndrome permanent?

Computer Vision Syndrome (CVS) is usually temporary and can be treated with lifestyle changes. It is important to talk to an eye doctor if symptoms persist or if there are underlying eye problems.

How to prevent digital eye strain?

To prevent digital eye strain, take a break every 20 minutes to look away from the screen. Adjust screen brightness and reduce glare by adjusting the monitor properly. Blink often, use proper lighting and get regular eye exams.

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