What is WowRXPharmacy?

WowRXPharmacy is an online pharmacy that sells affordable, high-quality generic medications. Our pharmacy only sells medicines verified and approved by licensed pharmacists and strictly adheres to WHO standards.

Is it compulsory to have a prescription to shop with WowRXPharmacy? 

Yes, we prohibit the sale of any medication without a valid prescription signed by a licensed physician.

Is WowRXPharmacy a licensed online pharmacy?

Yes, WowRXPharmacy is a licensed online medicine shop managed by discerning experts.

Are my personal details safe with WowRXPharmacy?

Absolutely. All the information you provide during shopping is held in the strictest confidence. All of the data is encrypted using cutting-edge technology.

What exactly are Generic Medicines?

A generic drug is formulated to be identical to a brand-name drug in dosage form, safety, potency, administration route, quality, performance parameters, and intended use. These similarities help to demonstrate bioequivalence, which means that a generic medicine functions similarly to the brand-name medicine and provides the same clinical benefit. In other words, it is possible to substitute a generic drug for its brand-name equivalent.

Brand medicines also come with the added cost of marketing and packaging the product, which is why generic drugs are cheaper. 

Are generics safe to use?

Yes, generic medicines are the same as brand medicines except for inactive ingredients. 


How long does my order take to be delivered?

The shipment is executed within two weeks. In exceptional circumstances, delivery of the product could take up to four weeks.

Can I order medicines in bulk?

Yes, medications can be ordered in bulk, but only for personal use and not for sale.

How do I cancel my order?

If you wish to cancel your order, contact our customer service by calling the numbers on our website or emailing. You will receive a partial refund if you cancel your order within twenty-four hours. After 24 hours, there will be no refunds.

Can I receive my order in secret packaging?

Yes, all WowRXPharmacy products are delivered in safe and discreet packaging. We respect our visitor’s privacy.

How do I update my shipping address?

You must log in to your account and then visit the account information page to modify the information you provided.

What should I do if I receive an incomplete or damaged product?

Suppose the product delivered by WowRxPharmacy is damaged/partially damaged/missing/partially missing. In that case, our online pharmacy offers a refund or replacement. Kindly mail us at support@wowrxpharmacy.com.