What Does Breast Cancer Feel Like?: Find Out
Breast cancer is a severe health concern for many women, and it can be a challenging experience.
When women feel changes in and around their breasts, they might get worried about developing Breast cancer.
So to know whether they are at risk of developing cancer, one of the most common questions women ask is, “What does Breast cancer feel like?”.
A lump, nipple soreness, pain, and irritation in the breast are common symptoms that can be felt in Breast cancer.
However, it’s important to understand that the symptoms of Breast cancer can vary widely. Not all women with Breast cancer will experience the same symptoms.
In this article, we will discuss some alarming signs and symptoms of Breast cancer that a woman can feel, thus helping in early detection.
A lump is the most common symptom of Breast cancer that you may feel with the touch of your hands.
A study was conducted on 56 symptoms of women’s Breast Cancer. A breast lump appearance had a frequency of 83%.
It is mainly found in the breasts or underarm (armpit). Sometimes, it may also appear on the collarbone.
Usually, you may feel a lump in the upper outer portion of your breast.
A cancerous lump in your breasts may feel like:
- A hard mass
- Has irregular edges
- Is immobile (doesn’t move when pushed)
- Painless
However, breast lumps can be soft, round, tender, or painful and still be cancerous.
Most Breast cancer lumps in the early stages are too small in size to be felt by touch.
Some people may even feel a lump with a diameter of about half an inch.
Certain factors may affect the ability to feel the lump, such as:
- Location of the lump
- Size of the breast
- The density of the breast tissue
But a checkup by a healthcare professional may help in finding out this tumor.
A lump may even continue to grow if left untreated.
The chance of cancer spreading to other body areas increases the longer a cancerous lump grows.
How to self-check your breasts to feel the lump?
You can take the following actions to examine lumps:
- Stand in an upright position in front of the mirror
- Put your hands on your hips and visually inspect your breasts
- Do the same while raising your arms
- Lie on your back and feel your breasts. Start by touching your left breast with your right hand
- Then to feel for lumps, move your fingers in a circular motion while using the pads of your fingers. Cover the entire breast, including the area from your abdomen to your collarbone and your chest’s center to your armpit
- Repeat the same with your left hand to check your right breast
- You can also check it by repeating the same while standing or sitting
You can check out this video by National Health Service for a visual representation.
Breast pain
Pain in the breasts is not a usual symptom of Breast cancer.
According to Kazuaki Takabe, clinical chief of breast surgery at Roswell Park Comprehensive Cancer Center, around 1% of women will receive a Breast cancer diagnosis after experiencing breast pain.
You may feel discomfort and pain in the breast or underarm region.
Breast cancer pain may feel like a burning and tender sensation in your breasts.
However, it can be found in other conditions, such as Perimenopause or before or during Menstruation.
Breast pain persisting after your period may be an indicator of Breast cancer.
Nipple soreness
You may feel soreness in your nipple if you have Breast Cancer. However, it is not very common.
Changes in the appearance of the nipple can be seen more than feeling the pain.
It usually happens when you develop Paget’s disease of the breast.
It is a rare type of cancer seen in 1-4% of all Breast cancer cases.
But sore nipples don’t always indicate cancer. Other potential causes of nipple soreness are:
- Pregnancy
- Menstruation or other hormonal changes
- Breastfeeding or pumping breast milk
- Trauma
- Infection
- Allergic reactions
- Friction from clothing
You might feel the need to itch certain areas of your breasts. It is not a common symptom of Breast cancer but may be an early sign.
Itching is a common symptom of Paget’s disease of the breast and Inflammatory Breast Cancer (IBC).
According to the National Breast Cancer Foundation, persistent itching in and around the breasts can be an early IBC symptom.
Breast cancer has a range of signs and symptoms that can help detect this disease.
There are some symptoms that you can feel if you have Breast cancer.
The most prominent thing you can feel is the development of a lump in and around your breasts.
You can also feel breast pain, nipple soreness, and itching.
Remember, not every woman with Breast cancer feels the same symptoms.
Frequently Asked Questions
What does the pain feel like when you have Breast cancer?
Pain in the breasts is not a common symptom of Breast Cancer. Still, some people may have persistent pain that may not go away after the end of normal circumstances like Menopause, menstruation, pregnancy, puberty, and breastfeeding. You may have a burning and tender sensation in your breasts.
Where is Breast cancer usually felt?
Breast cancer’s prime symptom, a lump, is usually felt in the upper outer quadrant of the breast. However, it may be felt anywhere in the breast tissue, including the breastbone, armpit, and collarbone. Itching happens mostly on the breast and the nipple areola.
What does Breast cancer feel like physically?
If you have Breast cancer, you may feel pain, nipple soreness, itching, etc. You can physically feel and notice a lump in and around your breasts. Other physically evident symptoms include nipple discharge, inward nipple, change in the shape of breasts, etc.
What is the first feeling of Breast cancer?
One of the early symptoms of Breast Cancer you may feel is the development of a lump in your breasts. Usually, you may feel a lump in the upper outer portion of your breast. You may also feel a lump in the collarbone or underarm (armpit) beside the breast.