In the United States, Breast cancer is the second most common cause of death from cancer in women.

Thus, diagnosing this disease in the early stages is extremely important.

There are five stages of cancer, starting from 0 to 4.

Stage 2 may be termed as an ‘early stage’ by the doctors as its prognosis (the course of a disease) is better than the later stages.

Women with Breast cancer stage 2 have cancer cells in their breasts, nearby lymph nodes, or both.

But the good part is that the cancer has not spread beyond these areas.

Thus, it is manageable with proper treatment. Some people even claim it is treatable with timely action and care.

Continue reading to learn more about stage 2 Breast cancer in detail.

What is stage 2 Breast cancer

Stage 2 is the third level or stage of Breast cancer. 

In this stage, cancer cells are more likely present in the following areas:

  • In the breast (one or both)
  • The lymph nodes near the breast

Cancer cells can be present in both of them or either of them.

This stage of Breast cancer is referred to as early-stage Breast cancer.

It is further divided into two sub-types.

Sub-types of stage 2 Breast cancer 

Lump in armpit
Lump in armpit

There are two sub-types of stage 2 Breast cancer:

  • Stage 2A
  • Stage 2B

Stage 2A

Breast cancer in stage 2A will likely have progressed to the lymph nodes in the armpit. 

What is Lymph Nodes?
Lymph nodes are a crucial part of the lymphatic system, which transports a substance called lymph (a fluid) throughout the body. There are approximately 800 lymph nodes in an adult.

The spread of cancer to the lymph nodes is one of the first ways it begins to spread from its primary site.

The axillary lymph nodes in the armpit are most likely to be impacted. 

In a study, 51% of the 181 patients with lymphatic invasion had included axillary lymph nodes.

Breast cancer in stage 2 frequently spreads to three or more lymph nodes.

Cancer in stage 2A fits one of these criteria:

  • There isn’t a tumor in the breast, but cancer has progressed to the armpit lymph nodes
  • The tumor size is 2 cm or smaller, and the cancer has spread to the lymph nodes under the armpit
  • The tumor is 2 to 5 cm, but the cancer has not yet spread to the lymph nodes

Stage 2B

As it is the second group within the stage 2 Breast cancer, it is a little more severe.

Breast cancer in stage 2B fits one of these criteria:

  • The breast tumor measures 2 to 5 cm, and cancer cells can also be found in the armpit lymph nodes
  • The tumor has become larger than 5 cm, but it hasn’t spread to the nearby lymph nodes

Symptoms of Breast cancer in stage 2

Breast cancer symptoms in stage 2 may vary from person to person. Not everyone will have the same symptoms.

Some women may notice these symptoms, while some can only get to know about them through mammograms.

The potential symptoms that you may notice in stage 2 of Breast cancer are:

  • A new lump in the breast, collarbone, or armpit
  • Pain in the area of the breast
  • Inward pulling of the nipple
  • Bloody or clear nipple discharge
  • Redness in and around the breast
  • Changes in the shape and size of the breast
  • Irritation or dimpling of the breast skin
  • Thickening or swelling of breast
These symptoms may also occur due to other benign problems. Don’t panic, and consult with your doctor if these symptoms persist.

Is stage 2 Breast cancer treatable

Breast cancer is highly treatable if the right treatment is given at the right time.

According to the data published in the American Cancer Society Journal, the five-year Disease-Specific Survival (DSS) of stage 2 Breast cancer is high.

It is 98% for stage 2A, while 95.6% for stage 2B.

On the basis of the spread of cancer in the breast, the 5-year relative survival rates are as follows:

  • Localized (has not spread outside the breast): 99%
  • Regional (has spread to nearby lymph nodes): 86%

However, the stage 2 Breast cancer treatment timeline may differ from one woman to another.

Some may react to it positively in a short period, while others may take a little longer.

Note: The more the Breast cancer has spread, the more treatment you will likely need.

Treatment options

There are many treatment options for stage 2 Breast cancer. 

Cancer in this stage is usually treated with multiple types of therapies. 

The therapies are intended to kill as many cancer cells as possible and lower the recurrence risk.

Here are some of the treatment options for Breast cancer in stages 2A or 2B:


Surgery is one of the first lines of treatment for Breast cancer in its stage 2. You may have any of the following surgeries:

  • Lumpectomy: As the name suggests, this surgery involves the removal of the cancerous lump from the area in and around your breast
  • Mastectomy: It is a surgical procedure that involves removing one or both breasts, partially or completely

Radiation therapy

Radiation therapy
Radiation therapy

Radiation therapy, also known as radiotherapy, is given to women with Breast cancer.

In this, high doses of radiation are used to shrink tumors or kill cancer cells. But killing it doesn’t mean it ends the cancer cells immediately.

The radiation may slow the growth of cancer cells by damaging their DNA. 

Cancer cells whose DNA is damaged beyond repair stop dividing. When the damaged cells die, they are eventually removed by the body.


Chemotherapy refers to using one or more anti-cancer drugs. It prevents the cancer cells from growing, dividing, and making more cells.

In the case of stage 2 Breast cancer, chemotherapy is typically provided following surgery. It may be administered before surgery if:

  • The tumor is more than 5 cm in size
  • The cancer has spread to lymph nodes

Hormonal therapy

Hormonal therapy is given to women whose cancer is hormone receptor-positive.

Simply put, some Breast cancer cells need hormones such as Estrogen to grow. 

Hormonal therapy inhibits such hormones and reduces the chances for cancer to grow.

Tamoxifen is the most commonly used anti-Estrogen hormonal therapy drug. It is offered to both premenopausal and post-menopausal women.

It is commonly known by its brand name, Nolvadex.

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Targeted therapy

This therapy is a type of cancer treatment that uses drugs or other substances to identify and attack specific cancer cells precisely.

It can be given to women with early-stage Breast cancer that is hormone receptor-positive, have spread to lymph nodes, and has a high chance of recurrence.


Stage 2 Breast cancer represents an early stage of cancer, with two sub-stages, 2A and 2B. 

Cancer cells in this stage are present in patients’ breast tissue, adjacent lymph nodes, or both.

Symptoms of stage 2 Breast cancer may include the presence of a lump, changes in breast size or shape, nipple abnormalities, and breast skin changes. 

Recognizing these symptoms and seeking prompt medical attention is vital for early detection and improved treatment outcomes.

The treatment may include one or more options among surgery, radiation, chemo, hormonal, and targeted therapies.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the survival rate for stage 2 Breast cancer?

The 5-year survival rate for stage 2 Breast cancer is relatively higher than the later stages. If the cancer is restricted to the breast, the survival rate is 99%. Whereas for Breast cancer that has spread to nearby lymph nodes, the rate drops to 86%.

Is stage 2 Breast cancer considered early?

Stage 2 of Breast cancer is considered as an early stage. The reason is that the cancer has not spread to distant body parts. Breast cancer in stage 2 is limited to the breast, the nearby lymph node, or both. Thus, it is referred to as an early stage.

Do you need chemo for stage 2 Breast cancer?

According to the American Cancer Society, chemotherapy, commonly known as chemo, may be required for stage 2 Breast cancer. Depending on the individual’s circumstances and needs, it may be given before or after the surgery.

Does stage 2 Breast cancer require mastectomy?

Surgery is a standard treatment procedure followed for stage 2 Breast cancer treatment. If the tumor is larger in size, a mastectomy may be required. The surgery may partially or completely remove either one or both breasts.

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