As a woman, you go through many bodily changes throughout your life. But sometimes you may notice something different or unusual.

These symptoms may make you worried or confused.

Ovulation bleeding and implantation bleeding are such things that can raise many questions in your mind.

It can be difficult to differentiate between them because of some similarities.

But while one can indicate that you are pregnant, another is just midway-cycle spotting and nothing else.

Read on to learn more about ovulation bleeding vs implantation bleeding.

An overview: ovulation bleeding vs implantation bleeding

AspectOvulation bleedingImplantation bleeding
TimingOccurs during the ovulation phase Occurs about 6 to 12 days after conception
DurationUsually, one to two daysUsually, a few hours to 2 days
SymptomsMild cramping or discomfortLight or faint cramping, mood swings, headaches, nausea, breast tenderness, lower backaches
Blood flowLight bleeding or spottingLight bleeding or spotting
Blood colorOften pink or brownishOften pink or brown spots or streaks
IntendIndicates fertilityIndicates a potential sign of pregnancy
Medical concernUsually, no medical attention is neededUsually considered normal till day 2 with light spotting

Now let’s learn about these comparison points in detail.


The timing of your bleeding or spotting is the primary point to differentiate between implantation and ovulation bleeding.

As the name indicates, the ovulation bleeding occurs during your ovulation phase.

The ovulation phase is midway through the menstrual cycle (usually around day 14 in a 28-day cycle).

However, this phase may vary in every woman. It can even be different from month to month in the same woman. 

Thus, it can occur anywhere from 13 to 20 days into the menstrual cycle.

Implantation bleeding usually occurs on the expected days of your menstrual period.

A study was conducted on 151 pregnant women to learn about vaginal bleeding in very early pregnancy. 

The results showed that the bleeding tended to occur when women would expect their periods and rarely on the day of implantation.

However, the time may vary, but implantation bleeding may occur about 6 to 12 days after the egg is fertilized.

Simply put, based on a 28-day menstrual cycle, you may notice implantation bleeding between 20 to 24 days. 


You can also focus on the duration to determine whether you have ovulation or implantation bleeding.

The duration may be similar, but it may also vary.

The ovulation phase usually lasts for 16 to 32 hours, i.e., one to two days. Thus, the bleeding may also occur during this time frame only.

Whereas the implantation bleeding may last for a few hours in which you bleed once. It may also last up to a few days.

Implantation bleeding will rarely last after three days.

If the implantation bleeding doesn’t stop on its own, it could be a sign of an underlying issue.

Signs and symptoms

Headache - Implantation bleeding symptom
Headache – Implantation bleeding symptom

You may notice one or two symptoms of ovulation bleeding. But there are many associated symptoms during implantation.

Mittelschmerz is a common symptom of ovulation bleeding. It is commonly known as ovulation pain.

In this, you may have lower abdominal pain that may cause discomfort.

These symptoms are usually not severe and go away after the end of the ovulation phase.

In the case of implantation bleeding, there are many associated symptoms. They are related to pregnancy symptoms.

According to the American Pregnancy Association, here’s a list of the implantation bleeding symptoms:

  • Light or faint cramping (less than an average period cramp)
  • Mood swings
  • Headaches
  • Nausea
  • Breast tenderness
  • Lower backaches

Blood flow and color

It can be hard to distinguish between ovulation and implantation bleeding based on blood flow and color, as they are usually similar.

Implantation bleeding may appear as light spotting. It can also be a consistent flow but not heavy.

Implantation bleeding has a very light color. It is typically a very light pink or rust color.

Similarly, ovulation bleeding is also very light. You may notice it after a wipe.

The colors are also similar, like light pink or red.


The purposes of implantation and ovulation bleeding are different.

Implantation bleeding is a common sign of potential pregnancy. 

According to the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, around 15-20% of pregnant women bleed in their first trimester.

Ovulation bleeding signifies the release of an egg from the ovary, indicating fertility. 

This type of bleeding is not much common. A study was conducted to learn about the menstrual bleeding patterns in menstruating women.

A total of 201 women participated. Among them, only 4.8% of women had midcycle bleeding.

Medical concern

Consult a Gynaecologist doctor
Consulting Gynaecologist doctor

Both ovulation bleeding and implantation bleeding are considered normal. They usually don’t require medical attention.

But there are certain circumstances in which you should seek medical help.

As mentioned before, both types of bleeding don’t last long. So if you notice excessive flow or prolonged bleeding, it might be a matter of concern.

Moreover, if the symptoms like pain or discomfort get severe, it’s best to consult a healthcare professional.

If you often notice midway bleeding, it may not be ovulation bleeding. It can be an indication of irregular periods.

Read Understanding the Differences: Implantation Bleeding vs Miscarriage to learn the difference between implantation bleeding and miscarriage.


Understanding the differences between ovulation and implantation bleeding can help alleviate confusion and clarify doubts about bleeding.

The prime point on which you can differentiate is timing. Ovulation bleeding occurs in the ovulation phase, midway through the menstrual cycle.

While implantation, bleeding occurs nearly during your due period days.

The duration of bleeding may be similar or vary, depending upon an individual.

It can be hard to differentiate between them based on the blood flow and color as it is usually light and pink in color.

Although both bleedings are considered normal, it might be a matter of concern if you notice excessive or prolonged bleeding. 

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I know if it’s implantation bleeding or ovulation bleeding?

Many aspects, like bleeding duration, associated symptoms, etc., can differentiate between implantation and ovulation bleeding. However, the main differentiator is timing. You may have ovulation bleeding in the midway of your menstrual cycle, whereas implantation bleeding while approaching your period.

Does implantation bleeding start during ovulation?

No. Implantation bleeding does not start during ovulation. It may start about 6 to 12 days after the egg is fertilized.  Simply put, this bleeding may start between 20 to 24 days of a 28-day menstrual cycle.

What does ovulation bleeding look like?

Ovulation bleeding is very light spotting. You can easily differentiate it from your regular menstrual period flow. You may notice the spots after a wipe. Usually, the color of the spot may appear as light pink or red. 

Can you have ovulation and implantation bleeding?

Yes. You can have ovulation or implantation bleeding. They both occur in women and usually don’t require medical help. You may have ovulation bleeding midway through your menstrual cycle. Whereas implantation bleeding may occur while approaching menstrual bleeding.

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