Early Menopause is a condition that impacts women before the age of 40.

It causes significant changes in their hormonal balance and overall health. 

For women, it can be challenging to cope with the symptoms and health effects of early Menopause.

To manage this life stage effectively, there are various treatment options available.

This article will explore different early Menopause treatments and preventive methods to relieve the discomfort. 

Treatments for early Menopause

Some of the early Menopause treatments are here:

Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT)

Your doctor may suggest Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) for treating early Menopause.

HRT is used to replace the body’s hormones that are not producing in their regular amounts anymore.

It can help by treating Menopause symptoms that may include the following:

  • Missed or irregular periods
  • Heavy or light periods than usual
  • Vaginal dryness
  • Bladder irritation
  • Emotional changes like mood swings
  • Trouble falling asleep
  • Decreased sex drive
  • Dry mouth, skin, or eyes

Hormone Replacement Therapy is also used to prevent bone thinning.

HRT can be given in two ways:

  •  Estrogen and Progestin for those with a uterus
  •  Estrogen alone for those without a uterus

Some people should not take HRT, including those people who has:

  • Hormone-sensitive tumors (Breast Cancer
  • A history of blood clots
  • Heart or vascular disease
  • Liver disease
  • Abnormal vaginal bleeding

Not everyone experiences the same health risks as older people who take HRT after reaching Menopause naturally.

Talk with your healthcare provider about any concerns. If you don’t check with a doctor before starting hormone therapy, there might be some side effects.

Combined contraceptive pill

Another treatment for early Menopause is a combined contraceptive pill.

It is helpful in managing menopausal symptoms like menstrual irregularity, heavy menstrual bleeding, and menstrual pain.

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Can early Menopause be reversed

Early Menopause cannot be reversed.

You cannot make the ovaries function normally again once Menopause has occurred. 

But you can manage its symptoms and the severe effects it causes.

In the case of  Primary ovarian insufficiency (POI), there is a small possibility that ovarian function may return.

It is essential to note that early Menopause and POI are not the same.

What is Primary ovarian insufficiency?

Premature ovarian failure, or, Primary ovarian insufficiency, occurs when a woman’s ovaries stop working properly before turning 40.

Risk of early Menopause


There are a few risks that are linked to early Menopause. It includes the following:

  • Premature death
  • Neurological disease
  • Psychosexual dysfunction
  • Mood disorders
  • Osteoporosis (a loss in bone density)
  • Ischemic heart disease
  • Infertility


Here are some ways by which you can prevent or help in easing the symptoms of early Menopause.

Avoid smoking

Smokers are more likely to have an unpleasant menopausal experience, with increased hot flashes and sleep difficulties.

Smoking can intensify these symptoms. 

A study published by The National Library of Medicine suggests that smoking can be a reason for early Menopause.

Smokers have a higher risk of hip fracture after Menopause than nonsmokers.

That is why it is better to avoid smoking.

Balanced diet

Balanced diets cannot prevent early Menopause, but they help relieve its symptoms.

Eat food that is rich in calcium and proteins, like milk, beans, vegetables, and fruits.

Avoid taking too much alcohol. Excess intake of alcohol can trigger Menopause symptoms.

Regular health checkups

Regular checkups with the doctor can help detect any potential health issues which might contribute to early Menopause. 

Early identification and treatment can help manage or prevent its symptoms.

Active lifestyle

Stretching leg exercise
Stretching leg exercise

Regular physical activity can reduce the risk of certain health conditions contributing to early Menopause. 

Research published by The National Library of Medicine suggests that physical activity promotes health and prevents diseases in perimenopausal women.

Consult your doctor about the fitness plan. They will diagnose your health conditions and ensure the exercise routine is safe and effective in improving overall health.


Early Menopause Treatments include HRT (Hormone Replacement Therapy) and the combined contraceptive pill.

Its symptoms include vaginal dryness, trouble sleeping, missed periods, and decreased sex drive.

Early Menopause can elevate risk of developing health conditions like Osteoporosis, premature death, and mood disorder.

Early Menopause cannot be reversed, but its symptoms and risks can be prevented.

Preventive ways like avoiding smoking, regular health checkups, and an active lifestyle can improve the overall health and situation.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can early Menopause be treated?

There are a few treatment options for early Menopause, like HRT and the combined contraceptive pill. Ask your doctor if you cannot take HRT due to some health conditions. They will provide alternative options suited best to your situation.

How to prevent early Menopause?

You can prevent the early Menopause by avoiding smoking. You also can lower its associated risk by maintaining a healthy lifestyle, limiting the intake of alcohol, and staying physically active.

What are the symptoms of early Menopause?

Symptoms of early Menopause are similar to women facing natural Menopause. It includes missed or irregular periods, vaginal dryness, mood swings, trouble sleeping, and decreased sex drive.

What is the risk associated with early Menopause?

There are certain risks to health conditions caused by early Menopause, like heart disease, premature death, mood disorder, Osteoporosis, and neurological diseases. Talk with your doctor about your symptoms to lower these risks.

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