Can you imagine approx 25% of males and 12% of women experience hair loss by the age of 30. 

Surprisingly, by the age of 50, this proportion rises to 50% for men and 25% for women.

An even more surprising fact is that hair loss is often linked to weight loss in some cases. 

To get a slimming figure, we often have to sacrifice our precious hair. But no more of this sacrifice.

In this article, we will explore the relationship between weight loss and hair loss.

Continue reading to understand the causes and connections behind this phenomenon. 

Relation between the two

When we lose weight, our bodies undergo various changes.

Some people may experience hair loss due to rapid or significant weight loss. 

Hair Loss from weight loss is temporary. It usually occurs when a person loses weight from a strict diet or surgery.

A study published by The National Library of Medicine examined the hair loss associated with 50 patients undergoing Laparoscopic Sleeve Gastrectomy.

Laparoscopic Sleeve Gastrectomy (LSG) is a weight-loss surgery where doctors make minor cuts in the belly and remove a part of the stomach to help people lose weight by eating less.

Hair loss was observed in 56% of the patients, with a higher rate in females (46%) than males (10%).

It was concluded that patients lacked micronutrients in their diet like zinc, and vitamin levels, and faced more hair loss.

Much research is required to find the exact link between weight loss and hair loss.

The connection between weight and hair loss has yet to be fully understood.

What causes hair loss with weight loss

You might be wondering the exact cause of hair loss with weight loss. There are many factors affecting the same. 

The few most important ones are listed below.

Nutritional Deficiency

Foods high in iron
Foods high in iron

One possible cause of hair loss during weight loss is nutritional deficiencies.

We reduce our food intake when we follow restrictive diets. 

Due to this, our bodies may not receive enough essential nutrients like vitamins, minerals, and proteins.

Research published by the International Journal of Trichology showed the prevalence of nutritional deficiency in hair loss. 

Higher nutrient deficiencies like zinc, vitamin, iron, and copper were observed.

These nutrients are crucial for maintaining healthy hair growth.

It was concluded by the research that nutritional deficiency can lead to hair loss. 

Hormonal Changes

Another reason for hair loss is hormonal changes during weight loss.

Hormones play a significant role in regulating hair growth; any imbalance can impact the hair cycle. 

Rapid weight loss may disrupt hormone levels, leading to hair shedding.

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You can also read the article Hair Shedding: Understanding the Normal vs. Abnormal to know more about hair shedding.

Crash dieting

Often, people follow crash diets or extreme dieting to lose weight quickly.

An article published by The National Library of Medicine highlighted the hair loss condition among Crash dieters.

Nine patients experienced significant hair loss after starting a rigorous weight reduction program.

Hair loss appeared within two to five months and was associated with weight loss of 11.7 to 24.75 kg.

25% to 50% of Telogen counts showed that the hair growth cycle has been disturbed.

Within a few months, the hair began to grow back.

Three individuals had previously lost hair after completing effective weight loss programs.

As per the research, crash dieters’ hair loss is thought to be caused by rigid calorie consumption, which results in insufficient energy supply to the hair strands.

Remember, it’s always best to consult a healthcare professional if you have any concerns about hair loss or weight loss. They can provide personalized guidance. They may also help address any underlying issues causing these conditions.

Is weight loss and hair loss a sign of cancer

It’s important to note that weight and hair loss alone are not necessarily signs of cancer.

But certain types of cancer can cause both types of loss. 

A review was done and published by the British Journal of General Practice to know whether weight loss is a predictor of cancer in primary cases or not.

Doctors noting weight reduction in their records often indicate the presence of cancer.

Weight loss was related to several cancers, including lung, colorectal, and Prostate Cancer.

The tests doctors used to diagnose cancer were not perfect but helpful.

It was concluded by the review that male and female cancer patients above the age of 60 are at higher risk.

Sudden changes in weight among older ages, especially in their 60s, must visit medical healthcare for checkups.

You must contact the doctor for a proper evaluation if you or someone you know is experiencing additional symptoms.

Hair loss after Bariatric Surgery

Bariatric surgery is also known as weight loss surgery.

It is a standard method for people struggling with obesity to achieve significant weight loss. 

Hair loss is a common side effect of Bariatric Surgery. 

The cause of hair loss after surgery is the rapid changes in the body after the procedure, including changes in nutrient absorption.

After the surgery, protein intake may be insufficient, so patients are advised to consume 60-80 g of protein daily from food and supplements.

Drink at least six cups of fluids daily and avoid liquids during meals.

Vitamins for hair loss after Bariatric Surgery

If you have undergone Bariatric surgery and are experiencing hair loss, some specific vitamins and minerals can help promote hair growth

Biotin, vitamin D, iron, and zinc support healthy hair. 

It is recommended to take supplements such as calcium citrate, vitamin B12, and iron with vitamin C. 

Consult your doctor or a nutritionist to determine the right supplements. Then, have them adjust the dosages according to your specific needs.

How to reverse hair loss from weight loss

Scalp Massage
Scalp Massage

If you’re experiencing hair loss due to weight loss, there are several steps you can take to help reverse the process. 

Firstly, focus on maintaining a balanced and nutritious diet. Ensure you’re consuming enough vitamins, minerals, and proteins.

Also, manage stress levels, as stress can contribute to hair loss. 

Gentle scalp massages and avoiding hairstyles that pull on the hair can also help promote healthy hair growth.

If the hair loss persists or worsens, it’s advisable to seek professional advice from a dermatologist or trichologist.

While hair loss can be a distressing experience, it’s important to remember that it’s often temporary. 

You can manage it with the proper care and attention. Remember, the key to healthy hair is to maintain a healthy body.


Towards the end we understand, the relationship between weight loss and hair loss is complex. 

The exact mechanisms still need to be fully understood. 

The main factors are nutritional deficiencies, hormonal changes, and rapid weight loss. 

You can alleviate hair loss by managing stress levels and seeking professional advice. 

Remember, health is crucial for maintaining a healthy body and luscious locks.

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