How to Prevent Hair Loss Naturally: A Step-by-Step Guide

Harman Kaur
Medically reviewed by
Dr. Kaushal

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Dr. Akansha is a licensed Clinical Pharmacologist. She possesses remarkable knowledge in Pharmacovigilance, prescription analysis, drug information, and drug safety services. Additionally, she is a keen learner and an educator.

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Prevention of hair loss

Hair is known to be an essential part of our body, or we can say appearance. 

It plays a central role when it comes to boosting self-confidence in terms of how a person seems presentable. 

We can’t deny that hair has gravity in our lives, and hair loss prevention is what we all need.

But when this hair starts to thin or fall apart, it can be distressing for many people. 

Every hair strand on your head has a life span between three to five years. They have a cycle of active growth, rest, and transition. 

Therefore, the best way to tackle this issue is by addressing the leading causes of hair loss. Sometimes the hair loss is also temporary, known as Telogen Effluvium. 

However, there are different ways through which you can prevent hair loss and help to grow hair. 

How to prevent hair loss for teenagers

Teenage is the time when you want to look your best. But it doesn’t happen at times, hair fall comes our way. 

Although it is a common issue nowadays among teenagers. 

The primary reasons behind this are lack of hair care, excessive styling, lack of nutritious food, and the wrong hair care routine.

Let’s look at the prevention methods for hair loss for guys:

Scalp massage

Using coconut oilSource: pixelshot
Using coconut oil

Regular scalp massage keeps the hair follicles active and strengthens them from the roots. 

Massaging your scalp for a couple of minutes twice a week can boost hair growth. 

It would also help stop hair loss problems triggered by weak and undernourished hair. 

Better results can be seen with almond oil, coconut oil, or olive oil.

Stay hydrated

We have often been told to keep drinking water, as it plays a vital role in keeping us healthy. Hydration is crucial for hair as well. 

Staying dehydrated can slow down the process of hair growth and could trigger hair loss in some teens. 

Therefore, it is best to drink two liters of water daily for hair to be full of life and shine.

Healthy diet

Eating unhealthy and junk food regularly is one of the significant causes of hair loss in teenage guys. 

Adding healthy foods like fish, lean meats, fruits, and green vegetables, can help you prevent hair loss.

These are the essential nutrients that are required by the body. 

The same will help improve hair health as well as growth.

Avoid brushing wet hair

When our hair is wet, it’s vulnerable to any damage. Therefore, it is often said we should not comb our hair when they are wet. 

It is advisable to let your hair dry naturally or rub it over a soft towel. This is the simplest way of hair fall reduction in teenagers. 

Avoid excessive styling

Different types of hairstyles are prevalent among teenagers these days.

Heat-based styling makes the hair brittle and dry, thus lowering the hair’s protein.

So it’s better to minimize the use of heat-styling products, which will eventually lead to hair loss control. 

Be active

Dedicating time to physical activities such as swimming, cycling, yoga, walking, and gyming to balance hormone levels can help you get glorious hair.

It’s a healthy way to stop hair loss in teenage boys!

Teenagers usually have excessive growth hormone production, sometimes leading to excessive oil and making the scalp itchy. This leads to damaging your hair. 

Food to prevent hair loss

Spinach smoothieSource: Lilechka75_from_Getty_Images
Spinach smoothie

Many people overlook the fact that diet also plays a crucial role when it comes to preventing hair loss. Nutritional deficiencies can lead to hair loss, but eating the right food can help you grow hair.

Let’s look at the best food to prevent hair loss.

Fatty fish

Some types of fish consist of essential fatty acids, including omega-3s and vitamin D, are: 

  • Mackerel
  • Tuna
  • Herring
  • Salmon

Fatty fish is a good source of protein, selenium, and vitamin B, which helps promote healthy hair.

It was proved according to an article published in 2017, Dermatology Practical and Conceptual.

Leafy Greens

Green and leafy vegetables are full of protein and help in boosting hair growth. Some of them are:

  • Collards
  • Kale
  • Spinach

These contain vitamins A and C, iron, beta-carotene, and folate.

Six milligrams of iron are found in one cup of cooked spinach, which is essential for healthy and robust hair. 

Lack of iron is one of the most common nutritional deficiencies in the world, as stated by the World Health Organization (WHO). 

Vitamin A is another essential nutrient that helps keep hair healthy and is found in leafy greens. It helps your body make sebum, which keeps the scalp moist and protects your hair.


Eggs are like nature’s multivitamins because they contain various vitamins, nutrients, and minerals. Some of these related to healthy hair include biotin, protein, zinc, and selenium. 

Eggs are a great source of protein, which is essential if you want to keep your hair from falling out.

A low-protein diet slows down hair growth, which can cause hair loss and less growth.

Biotin, a B vitamin found in eggs, is vital for healthy hair, skin, and nails.


Fruits which are rich in compounds are known to be essential for healthy hair and protecting hair follicles from radicals, are antioxidants, and vitamin C, which is present in:

  • Cherries 
  • Apricots
  • Oranges 
  • Berries
  • Grapes

Vitamin C also helps your body take in iron and make collagen, a protein that helps build hair and keeps it from falling out.

How to prevent baby hair loss

Firstly you need to calm down if your infants lose their hair locks. It can happen due to various reasons. 

You may see hormonal changes taking place in the first six months, which can be the reason for hair loss, although it’s temporary.

Following are the ways to prevent hair loss in your infant:

Sleep on silk

To protect against hair loss, make sure your little babe is lying on silk. Bamboo, cotton, and other fabrics can tug on the delicate hairs of a baby, resulting in it being knotted and pulled out. 

The liquid smooth finish of premium silk provides an incredibly soft and frictionless surface for babies to lie on, allowing their fine hair to glide effortlessly and unharmed.

Stimulation of strands

Did you know?
Applying virgin coconut oil on your little one’s scalp a few times a week can help blood circulation, which will help their hair follicles. 

You should allow the oil to absorb in the baby’s hair for 15-20 mins, gently rinse the same with warm water, and pat with a soft towel to dry up the hair. 

Change it up

To ensure your baby’s head doesn’t rub too much in one spot, you can slightly move their head while they sleep. 

This helps stop hair loss in babies and flat spots that can happen when too much pressure is put on the hair.

Vitamins to prevent hair loss

Our hair needs a variety of components to look beautiful and stay healthy. Although factors that contribute to hormones, genetics, and age. 

If you want your hair to look glamorous and shiny, you should maintain a nutritious diet for your hair. Some deficiencies are pointed out, which are required to make your hair healthy and prevent hair loss:

Vitamin B

Hair loss has been linked to insufficient riboflavin, biotin, folate, and vitamin B12.

In the same way, research is still being determined on whether folate and vitamin B12 help hair grow in people who get enough of them.

Rarely do people not get enough riboflavin, folate, or biotin. But some people, like those on restrictive diets, may be more likely to get it.

Vitamin B12 deficiency is becoming more common, especially among older adults and vegans.

Vitamin C

Foods rich in Vitamin CSource: yulka3ice_from_Getty_Images
Foods rich in Vitamin C

Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant that plays many vital roles that can affect hair health, such as 

  • Helping to make collagen, which has amino acids that can produce keratin, is an integral part of the hair structure.
  • Getting more iron into the body.
  • Preventing hair loss, which has been linked to oxidative stress.

Still, vitamin C deficiency is rare; many people get enough of this vitamin from their food.

Vitamin D

Lack of vitamin D is linked to hair loss, but there isn’t much evidence that vitamin D supplements help hair grow.

Still, most people don’t get enough vitamin D from their food alone, so it’s a good idea to talk to a doctor about whether you could benefit from a vitamin D supplement.

Recommended Article:
Want to know more about vitamins essential for hair growth, read, ” data-wpil-keyword-link=”linked”>Best Vitamins for Hair Growth – Complete Guide.


We always come across the phrase, “prevention is better than cure”. So why not inculcate this habit in our day-to-day lives?

Moreover, it’s for our betterment and good looks, and “who doesn’t want to stand apart from the crowd?”. 

We all do, right?

Listed above are all the practical methods that could help us prevent hair loss. So, let’s practice these today and make our hair look glamorous. 

Frequently Asked Questions

How to prevent hair loss in women?

Hair loss in women can be prevented by avoiding high-heat styling, using a soft brush from natural fibers to comb the hair, not applying bleach to hair, and many more factors.

How should you tie your hair to prevent hair loss?

Don’t tie your hair with rubber or metal bands. Instead, you can use a headwrap or a soft scrunchie for tying your hair. Moreover, you should not tie your hair tight, as it can lead to hair damage.

How often should you wash your hair to prevent hair loss?

On average, if your hair is smooth and dry, you should wash it every two to three days.

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