Spironolactone is a medicine that is commonly prescribed to treat various medical conditions.

These include High Blood Pressure, Heart failure, and Liver cirrhosis. 

However, some people have lifted concerns about whether Spironolactone can cause hair loss. 

As per Clincalc, in 2020, an estimated 3,131,156 patients in the United States were on Spironolactone.

Good to know:
Liver cirrhosis is a medical condition in which the liver is scarred and permanently damaged.

In this article, we will figure out does Spironolactone cause hair loss in detail and explore the available evidence.

What is Spironolactone


Spironolactone is a medication that belongs to a class of drugs called Potassium-sparing diuretics. 

It works by blocking the effects of Aldosterone, a hormone that regulates the body’s salt and water balance. 

These hormones are produced by the adrenal glands. 

Aldosterone promotes the reabsorption of sodium and the excretion of potassium in the kidneys. 

By blocking Aldosterone, Spironolactone helps to reduce the amount of salt and water in the body.

As a result, the amount of fluid in the body gets reduced.

In specific conditions, it can be beneficial for medical conditions. 

While in some adverse cases, it might cause hair loss. 

Side effects

Like all medications, Spironolactone can cause side effects in some people. 

Spironolactone’s most common side effects include dizziness, headache, stomach upset, and increased urination. 

However, some people have also reported experiencing hair loss while taking Spironolactone.

Always consult your doctor before taking any medications.

Does Spironolactone cause hair loss?

The relationship between Spironolactone and hair loss still needs to be fully understood.

However, there is conflicting evidence on this topic. 

Some studies have suggested that Spironolactone may cause hair loss in some people.

Others have found no evidence of a link between Spironolactone and hair loss.

One theory is that Spironolactone may interfere with the production of Androgens, hormones that can contribute to hair loss in some people. 

By reducing the effects of Androgens, Spironolactone may help to slow down or prevent hair loss in some people. 

However, this theory is still being studied, and more studies are required to fully determine the link between Spironolactone and hair loss.

If you experience hair loss while taking Spironolactone, speaking with your healthcare provider is essential. 

They can help you understand the underlying cause of your hair loss and recommend appropriate treatment options. 

It is also helpful to speak with a dermatologist or a hair loss specialist who can provide additional insights and guidance.

Spironolactone for treating hair loss

Using Spironolactone for hair loss
Using Spironolactone for hair loss

While Spironolactone is not explicitly approved for treating hair loss, some healthcare providers may prescribe it off-label. 

However, it is essential to note that using Spironolactone for hair loss is not well-studied.

There is limited evidence to support its effectiveness in this area.

Suppose you are experiencing side effects from Spironolactone or are concerned about the potential risk of hair loss. 

In that case, alternative medications can treat your medical condition. 

Your healthcare provider can help identify other treatment options that may be more suitable for you.


The evidence on the relationship between Spironolactone and hair loss is still unclear.

More research is needed to understand this topic thoroughly. 

While some studies suggest that Spironolactone may contribute to hair loss in some people, others have found no evidence.

If you are experiencing hair loss while taking Spironolactone, speaking with your healthcare provider is crucial.

They can help you understand the underlying cause and explore appropriate treatment options. 

Additionally, if you are concerned about the potential risk of hair loss, alternative medications may be available to treat your medical condition.

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