Everyone looks for hair growth solutions. Using certain oils is among one of them.

Castor oil is one of the many recommended oils for hair growth.

It is usually used as a laxative. But it is often recommended for hair also. 

However, no scientific evidence currently proves its effectiveness in hair growth.

But, still, people with hair problems have used this oil and seen their hair growing.

This article will discuss Castor oil and hair growth’s relation in detail. Read on to learn more.

It is fine to lose 50-100 strands of hair daily. If hair shedding increases, then you may have hair problems.

What is Castor oil

Castor oil is a vegetable oil. 

It is extracted from the seeds of the Ricinus communis plant. It is native to the tropical areas of Africa and Asia.

This oil is widely used in cosmetics and medications. 

The FDA has approved its usage as only a stimulative laxative.

However, it is also used on several body areas, including hair.

Castor oil is said to have anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, moisturizing, and some other crucial properties.

These properties may be beneficial for hair and stimulate the growth of hair.

Many people have used Castor oil for centuries to moisturize the scalp, reduce dandruff, strengthen hair, and make hair smooth and shiny.

Castor oil benefits for hair

Scalp Massage
Scalp Massage

As mentioned, no such proven scientific evidence exists for Castor oil benefits for hair.

But, as claimed by many people, it may benefit your hair in the following ways:

Improve blood circulation

Castor oil may improve blood circulation. This helps in increased blood flow to the scalp.

Blood flow to the scalp is very much essential for hair. 

The blood supply is crucial to successful hair follicle growth, maturation, and maintenance.

The loss of blood supply to the hair follicles may contribute to hair loss.

Provide moisturization

The seeds from which Castor oil is extracted have moisture. 

Different regions from which Castor seeds are collected may have varied moisture content.

A study was conducted in which Castor seeds from Arusha, Dar es Salaam, Dodo-ma, Iringa, Kagera, and Morogoro regions in Tanzania were extracted. They all had different moisture content.

Moisture is essential for preventing hair problems that may lead to hair loss.

It helps in preventing hair breakage and tangles. 

Also, this can help retain your hair’s length and continued growth.

If your hair doesn’t have moisture in your hair, it can make it dry. 

This dryness may lead to brittle, frizzy, and dull hair.

Antifungal benefit

Castor oil may have antifungal properties.

Lipophilic yeast belonging to the genus Malassezia is said to play an essential role in dandruff. 

Yeast belongs to the fungus kingdom. 

Thus, this fungus can be treated with Castor oil as it has antifungal properties. 

Antibacterial aid

Not only it has antifungal properties, but it also has potential antibacterial properties.

In a research conducted by Unilever using qPCR, they counted the bacteria accurately in dandruff-affected scalps.

They found one species of bacteria in particular that was Staphylococcus capitis. 

It was 100 times more abundant in the affected scalps.

Castor oil may aid in eliminating it because of its antibacterial properties and provide you with healthy hair.

Antioxidant perk

Some people say that Castor oil also has antioxidant properties. 

If it is so, then it can be helpful in healthy hair growth.

Excessive free radicals can lead to oxidative stress.

If you have had oxidative stress for quite a long time, it can damage your DNA and other vital molecules. It can even lead to hair loss.

Antioxidants are proven to be effective against these free radicals, thus, aiding healthy hair growth.

How to use it

Scalp Massage
Scalp Massage

There is no specific way of using Castor oil for hair

However, people mostly use Castor oil for their hair in the following way:

  • Dilute the oil with some other oil, like olive or peanut oil. It is essential to dilute Castor oil so it can absorb into the skin quickly
  • Then you may apply a few drops of the oil to the scalp, midsection hair, and even at the ends of your hair
  • After using the oil, cover your head with a shower cap
  • Some people claim that leaving Castor oil for too long can cause hair issues, so you may wash it off after 2 hours of applying
  • Don’t forget to wash your hand to remove the unpleasant smell of Castor oil

The side effect of Castor oil

When Castor oil is applied to hair, it may cause a rare condition known as acute hair felting.

The hair twists and tangles into a complex, rocky mass in this state. It resembles a bird’s nest.

Acute hair felting is irreversible; the only possible solution is cutting the hair. 

Be cautious while applying Castor oil as its ingestion may cause side effects like nausea, dizziness, abdominal cramps, etc.


Does Castor oil increase hair growth?— the answer to this question is tricky. 

This is because there is no scientific evidence proving its effectiveness for hair growth.

But, still, it has been used by many people for centuries. 

Its antibacterial, antifungal, and antioxidant properties make it worthy of hair growth.

It also moisturizes hair and even improves blood circulation to the scalp. These qualities are essential for hair growth.

However, it may have a side effect called acute hair felting. In this, hair twists and tangles.

Frequently Asked Questions

How long does it take for Castor oil to grow hair?

Castor oil improves hair growth within six to eight weeks of use. You may notice positive results or changes in your hair. However, the effects will only last for a while. If you want to maintain the results, then ongoing application of Castor oil is recommended.

How do you use Castor oil on your hair?

You can use Castor oil by first diluting the oil with some other oils like olive or peanut oil. Then apply it to the hair. You may wear a shower cap for better oil absorption. It is said that you may wash it off after two hours of application.

Can I use Castor oil daily on my hair?

No scientific evidence exists to determine whether people can use Castor oil daily. However, claims are that if you have a dry scalp, you may apply it daily. But if you have an oily scalp, you may use it once or twice a week.

Can I use Castor oil without mixing?

It is advisable to mix Castor oil with other types of oils, such as coconut oil or olive oil. The reason is that Castor oil is very thick and dense. Mixing it with other oils makes it easier to apply and spreads quickly. It also makes smooth absorption of the oil.

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