Night Blindness is also known as Nyctalopia. It may be a symptom of some underlying diseases, such as retina problems.

It prevents you from seeing at night or in dim lighting areas like theaters.

There are many possible causes of night blindness, and it can be treated.

The treatment depends on the disease which is causing it.

It is common for patients with Myopia to have some difficulty seeing at night. 

According to a study among 272 children, night blindness among children was 2.6%. 

The prevalence in females was 1.5%, males 1.1%, and in children, less than four years was 4.2%. 

There was no relation found between night blindness and child sex or age. 

But, there was a statistical significance of the lack of vitamin A supplementation on the prevalence of night blindness.

Continue reading to learn more about various causes and night blindness treatment.

Good to know
Night blindness is not a disease but a condition. It affects the eye’s ability to adapt to low-light conditions.

Diagnosis of night blindness

The eye diagnosis depends on the patient’s age and other symptoms. 

Further diagnosis depends on the physical examination of the eye.

Some diagnosis tests include

Pelli-Robson Contrast Sensitivity Chart

Many eye specialists use this chart to diagnose night blindness.

This chart contains many rows of letters in shades of grey on a white background.

During this test, the patient will be asked to identify the letters on the chart. 

The letters start appearing in a lighter shade of grey, and the contrast of the white background is reduced.

Blood test

Your doctor might suggest a blood test to check the vitamin A deficiency in the blood.

The lack of vitamin A can directly affect eyesight and cause night blindness.

Also, abnormal sugar levels can lead to an eye disease affecting the retina and may lead to night blindness.

Treatment of night blindness

night blindness treatment
eye checkup

Various underlying diseases can cause night blindness

Thus, night blindness treatments can vary from patient to patient.

Some of the conditions and night blindness treatments are as follows:


If Glaucoma causes night blindness, then treating the disease itself can help relieve the blindness.

Using eyedrops, laser treatments, and eye surgery may help eliminate night blindness.

Some Glaucoma medicines like miotics cause the pupil to become smaller.

This can also be the cause of reduced night vision.


If a cataract is causing blindness, it will be better to remove it.

In cataract surgery, the surgeon replaces your cloudy lens with a new and artificial lens.

This will help you to improve your sight as well as your night vision.


contact lenses
contact lenses

Night blindness caused due to Myopia or nearsightedness can be treated using an appropriate lens.

Use contact lenses or eyeglasses as per your doctor’s prescription.


In case you have diabetes and have difficulties seeing at night. It is very important to determine if it is diabetic retinopathy.

You can treat diabetic retinopathy using anti-VEGF medicines, laser treatments, and surgery.

Anti-VEGF medicines help to slow the abnormal damage caused by blood vessels and slow vision loss.

Retinitis pigmentosa

The treatment for this disease has yet to be discovered.

It is a genetic disorder, and lenses or retinal surgery don’t help in this condition.

If your night blindness is due to retinitis pigmentosa or other hereditary disorder, consult your eye doctor.

They may tell you how to lower the risk of permanent eye loss and slow vision loss.

Vitamin A

The deficiency of vitamin A is a very common cause of night blindness.

It can be treated using vitamin A supplements. Your night blindness will get back to normal when vitamin A levels regulate.

You can read Night Blindness Vitamin: All You Need to Know for a deeper understanding of the link between vitamin A and night blindness.

Refractive laser surgery

If you face night blindness after refractive eye surgery, ask your doctor to add an anti-reflective coating to your eyeglasses.

This can help reduce glare and halos and improve your night vision.

Consult your doctor for the diagnosis of your night blindness and underlying diseases. They can prescribe you proper treatment and medication.

When to see a doctor?

In case you are having difficulty seeing when driving at night. 

If you cannot see correctly in dim light, you may have a night blindness condition.

Consult your eye specialist as soon as possible, as it can lead to other serious problems.


Eating nutrient-rich foods with antioxidants, minerals, and various vitamins can help prevent it.

Foods containing vitamin A can greatly help reduce the risk of night blindness.

But, you cannot prevent blindness caused due to genetics or birth defects.

Eat vitamin A-rich foods:

Some of the orange-colored foods are rich in vitamin A

  • Sweet potatoes
  • Pumpkin
  • Carrot
  • Mangoes
  • Cantaloupe
  • Butternut squash

Some other vitamin A foods are:

  • Milk
  • Eggs
  • Cabbage
  • Spinach

Maintain normal sugar levels

Higher sugar levels may also cause night blindness. 

If you are pre-diabetic, take your medicines at the time prescribed by your doctor.

Maintaining healthy glucose levels can prevent night blindness.

Wear sunglasses

Sunglasses are not only for fashion, but they can also protect the eyes from harmful UV light.

UV rays can damage the proteins present in eye lenses. It can cause Glaucoma and cataracts.


In conclusion, night blindness is a condition that can be challenging and can impact daily activities.

But, with the right treatment and diagnosis, it is possible to manage the symptoms.

Night blindness treatment depends on underlying conditions like vitamin A deficiency or cataracts.

It can be treated using supplements or surgery.

The doctor may also prescribe you some medication and suggest some lifestyle changes.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is there any treatment for night blindness?

Night blindness is a symptom of various diseases and conditions. Treating Glaucoma, cataracts, and cardiovascular diseases may help reduce night blindness.

Which vitamin is useful for the treatment of night blindness?

A deficiency of vitamin A can cause night blindness. Taking enough foods containing vitamin A can greatly help as a natural treatment for this blindness.

How can I cure night blindness naturally?

You can eat foods containing vitamin A like milk, egg, sweet potato, and cabbage. Wearing sunglasses while going into the sun may also help in curing night blindness naturally.

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