Regular eye checkups are important, but do you know when and how often you should go for it?

Going for comprehensive eye exams at regular intervals is essential depending on your age, family history of eye diseases, health issues, etc.

The test reports will not only give you an insight into your eye health but can also reveal some other systemic health problems.

Sometimes you may also need to visit an ophthalmologist or optometrist in circumstances that need immediate attention.

In this article, we will discuss how often you should get an eye exam and other factors associated with it.

20/20 vision is considered to be perfect. But some people, especially children, have a better vision than that.

Importance of a regular eye exam

Slit Lamp Exam
Slit lamp exam

We often think an eye exam is only needed for people who wear glasses or contact lenses or have eye disease.

But it is not true; an eye exam is important for everyone for a healthy eye.

Regular eye tests can help detect diseases or conditions that may have got severe at an early stage. 

Other than this, eye checkups are helpful in detecting other serious health issues. 

“Eye exams safeguard overall health by enabling the doctor of optometry to detect more than 270 serious health conditions.”

Ronald Benner (Board of directors at the American Optometric Association and an optometrist)

Here’s a list of some of the health problems that an eye exam can find out:

  • Brain tumor
  • Cancers of blood, tissue, or skin
  • Diabetes
  • Giant cell arteritis
  • Heart disease
  • High blood pressure
  • High cholesterol
  • Lupus
  • Multiple sclerosis
  • Rheumatoid arthritis
  • Sarcoidosis
  • Sexually transmitted diseases
  • Thyroid disease
  • Vascular disease
Consult designated doctors for the diseases mentioned above. Any delay may result in severe effects.

How often should you get your eyes checked

According to the American Optometric Association recommended eye examination frequency is as the following: 

Patient’s ageAsymptomatic/low riskAt-risk
Birth-2 yearsAt 6-12 months of ageAt 6-12 months of age or as recommended
3-5 yearsAt least once between 3 and 5 years of ageAt least once between 3 and 5 years of age or as recommended
6-17 yearsBefore first grade and annually after thatBefore first grade and annually, or as recommended after that
18-39 yearsAt least every two yearsAt least annually or as recommended
40-64 yearsAt least every two yearsAt least annually or as recommended
65 and aboveAnnuallyAt least annually or as recommended

The number of times you visit an ophthalmologist or optometrist for an eye exam depends on several factors.

Some may have to visit annually, while others can plan it later.

According to Howard R. Krauss, founder of Pacific Neuroscience Institute and a neuro-ophthalmologist specialist, there is no hard and fast rule in terms of how frequently people should have eye exams; however, symptoms and risk factors should never be ignored.

Age is one of the crucial factors in determining your eye exam’s timing intervals. However, risk factors like vision problems also play a pivotal role.

Immediate need for an eye exam

Blurred vision
Blurred vision

Apart from your age or other risk factors, you may need an eye exam in emergencies.

Here’s a list of conditions you might need a comprehensive eye exam immediately:

  • Eye floaters
  • Blurred vision 
  • Sudden loss of vision
  • Getting chemicals in your eye
  • Redness or swelling
  • Double vision
  • Flashes of light
  • Unequal pupils
  • Black eye
  • Sudden onset of bulging eyes
  • Discharge from the eye
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Read Blinded by the Bites: Beware of These 7 Worst Foods for Eye Health to learn about the foods you should avoid for better eye health.


An eye examination at advised intervals is vital for every person. 

It not only helps in detecting early eye problems or diseases but also many health conditions.

How often should you get an eye exam?— this question is tricky to answer as it depends on factors like age, family history of eye diseases, health conditions, etc.

But the American Optometric Association has published its guidelines stating that every adult (aged 18-64 years) should have an eye examination once every two years.

It will help evaluate eye changes, improve eyesight, and prevent vision problems by early detection of eye diseases.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do you know you need your eyes checked?

Getting a regular eye exam is essential, but sometimes there are certain circumstances in which you need your eyes to be checked. Eye floaters, double vision, blurred vision, redness in the eye, flashes of light, etc., indicate you need an eye check-up.

How often should you get a regular eye check-up?

An eye exam every two years is recommended for healthy adults aged between 18 to 64 years without any existing eye disease. If a person is 65 years or above, they should have an annual eye examination.

How long is an eye prescription good for?

Eye prescriptions are generally good for one to two years. However, some doctors may specify a shorter or longer expiration date. It’s important to follow your doctor’s instructions and get your eyes checked if your vision changes or if you notice any eye problems. 

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