We like to do eye makeup. But we don’t realize these can be harmful to our eyes. 

Formaldehyde is one of the many substances in cosmetics and induces allergic responses.

It is frequently used in medical laboratories and funeral homes as a preservative.

I. It is one of many substances used in cosmetics that might cause adverse reactions.

Preservatives extend the shelf life of beauty goods, like water-based cosmetics such as foundation and mascara. A prolonged shelf life could increase the likelihood of an allergic reaction.

Eye makeup allergy

According to Northwestern Medicine Dermatologist Walter J. Liszewski, MD, these usual allergens persist in most types of makeup:

  • Fragrances
  • Preservatives like formaldehyde and sodium benzoate
  • Solvents, or chemicals used to dissolve ingredients, like lotions and creams
  • Sunscreen ingredients, like oxybenzone

Dry makeup, like brow pencils or powder, comprises fewer chemicals and is less likely to cause allergies.

Many people relate their symptoms of puffy eyes with seasonal changes or lack of sleep. But they miss out on the actual cause behind it, which is their makeup. 

You can suffer from the same when you get allergies to the various ingredients in your favorite cosmetics.

Read about these five common signs of eye allergy due to makeup:


You may see the area around your eyes or eyelids turn red after you apply eye makeup. 

It can give you a feeling of itchiness and sensations associated with these areas. But it should not happen every time you use this product. 

Although, it can develop with time with repeated exposure.

This symptom is an outcome of irritants instead of allergic reactions.

Burning sensation

Cleansers for the face and other high-acid cosmetics can irritate and burn sensitive eyes and skin.

Be wary of anything that induces this sensation to avoid longer-lasting harm.

Also Read: If you wish to learn more about how to take care if this burning sensation, read our article “Allergies Eyes Burning: Why Your Eyes May be Burning And How to Treat

Swollen eyes

Swollen Eye Treatment
swollen eye

If your eyes are starting to swell, it can be because your immune system is not adapting to the cosmetics you use.

Your cosmetics could be a reason for swelling, as the immune system reacts to it. You can also experience some additional symptoms due to this.


A rash often accompanies a hive. 

These are also a type of skin reactions that are experienced in the event of an allergic reaction.

Excessive tearing

Imagine you have finished your makeup, and then you see your eyes in tears.

Your watery eyes could be a reason for irritation between your eyes which happens because of the makeup.

What should you do if you are allergic to eye makeup?

You never want to find out that your favorite eye makeup is causing you pain. 

Many eye makeup styles need to be tried again and again with different types to understand which is suitable. 

That’s why you need help finding which one is the real cause. 

But once you can identify which product is at fault, you should go through the ingredients of that cosmetic.

Good to know
Fragrances, acids, and preservatives are standard components. They can cause allergic reactions or produce irritation.

You should wash your makeup brush or applicator brought in contact with those cosmetics. This will help you not continue with that cosmetic further. 

The International Journal of Frontier Sciences has published guidelines for eye makeup for women.

Your physician may prescribe eye drops or an antihistamine to alleviate your discomfort. Before adding medication to the mix, you should contact your doctor.

Shop for a substitute that reduces the number of ingredients in the formula. 

Numerous brands provide hypoallergenic products, and fragrance-free alternatives reduce one possible irritant.

You must be careful initially if you are switching to a new makeup

It would help if you tried a tinch of cosmetics near your eyes. Moreover, you should be ready to remove the same if irritated. 

Some brands can create more irritation to your eyes than others. This can be because of the standard formula components used in their cosmetic product. 

If you continue to experience problems or your symptoms worsen, consult your physician or a dermatologist about other treatment choices. 

You don’t have to give up eye makeup and mascara. But you may need assistance determining a combination and treatment plan that works for your body’s specific needs.


Eye Allergy Due to Makeup
eyelid rash

Eye makeup is something we all like, but then there are a lot of consequences attached to this beauty. 

It may look fancy when we apply it to our eyes, but the ingredients of these cosmetic products are now healthy for the eyes. 

Rashes, allergies, and watery and swollen eyes are all caused by cosmetics applied around the eyes. 

You should switch to new products or use cosmetics less frequently. In this way, you can help your eyes with further allergies.

Recommended Article:
To learn more about eye allergies, go through the article Allergy Eye Swelling: Allergic Conjunctivitis Symptoms and Treatments.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the most common ingredients in makeup that cause eye allergies?

Some of the common ingredients in makeup that cause allergies are Anisyl alcohol, Amyl cinnamal, Benzyl benzoate, Benzyl cinnamate, and many such chemicals like these.

What are the symptoms of eye allergies caused by makeup?

Symptoms of eye allergies caused by makeup are rashes, swollen eyes, a burning sensation, and extreme tearing. Sometimes accompanied by a rash, hives are a different skin reaction that may occur in the event of an allergic reaction.

How do you treat eye makeup allergy?

You can treat your eye allergy with over-the-counter ointments and creams if you have not-so-severe reactions. But still, it’s advised to consult your doctor for the same. 

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